Responding to Hezbollah’s Strategic Offensive

by Caroline Glick

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  • Last Wednesday, Hezbollah launched more than 200 projectiles at Israel. On Thursday, more than 100 more continued and expanded the fires, destruction and mayhem.
  • Hezbollah’s ultimate goal is that of its Iranian overlord: Israel’s annihilation. But it has intermediate goals on the road to final victory. The first is to achieve operational control over northern Israel.
  • Under Hezbollah’s control, Lebanon is not an actual country. It is Iran’s forward military base against Israel that happens to have 5.5 million residents. The job of the residents is to deny that they live in an Iranian missile base.
  • Since Oct. 7, Israel has found itself in a major conventional war on seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria, the Red Sea, Iran and Iraq/Syria.
  • Israel’s assumption of U.S. support has also taken a major hit. To be sure, Washington is willing to support Israel’s efforts to defend itself from aggression along the seven fronts manned by Iran and its proxies. But it opposes Israeli offensive action and has worked actively to undermine Israel’s ability to carry out prolonged offensive operations. Among other things, the United States refuses to share satellite and other intelligence related to offensive objectives, and is placing embargoes or slow walking the transfer of offensive munitions for Israel’s ground and air forces.
  • Israel must end Hezbollah’s reign of terror over northern Israel. It must degrade Hezbollah’s military capacity to the point that Hezbollah is no longer able to strike Israel at will. To achieve this goal, Israel needs to take control over the Lebanese side of the border, destroy Hezbollah’s forces south of the Litani River and then remain in place in Southern Lebanon for the foreseeable future.
  • Then-prime minister Ehud Barak’s decision to surrender the security zone in Southern Lebanon to Hezbollah in May 2000 is the reason that the terror organization was able to build its forces to the point where it poses an existential threat to Israel’s survival. By committing itself to reversing his move, Jerusalem will place itself on the road to victory.
Israel must end Hezbollah’s reign of terror over northern Israel. Hezbollah is burning to the ground Israeli nature reserves, grazing land, fields and orchards. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed. Some 80,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes. Hezbollah’s ultimate goal is that of its Iranian overlord: Israel’s annihilation. Pictured: Fires, sparked by Hezbollah rockets launched from Lebanon, burn vegetation near the city of Tzfat in northern Israel, on June 12, 2024. (Photo by Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images)

Hezbollah is burning a swathe through northern Israel. The nature reserves, grazing land, fields and orchards are burning to the ground. Military bases, including several strategic assets, are incurring major damage. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed. Businesses are bankrupt. And some 80,000 displaced Israelis are living in hotels with no sense of when they may be able to go home.

Hezbollah has significantly increased the pace and lethality of its attacks on the Upper and Western Galilee, and the Golan Heights in recent weeks, as well as extended its attacks to the Mount Carmel area and the Jezreel Valley.

Haifa, Acre and Tiberias have all been subjected to missile, drone and rocket assaults. During the Shavuot holiday last Wednesday, Hezbollah launched more than 200 projectiles at Israel. On Thursday, more than 100 more continued and expanded the fires, destruction and mayhem.

The Israel Defense Forces claim that Hezbollah’s actions haven’t broken the mold of tit-for-tat assaults that Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging for the past eight months. Last Tuesday night, the Israeli Air Force carried out an airstrike on the Nasser unit of Hezbollah’s southern command. The Nasser unit is a division-sized formation responsible for Hezbollah’s operations along the border with Israel.

The unit’s commander, Taleb Sami Abdullah, and three of his senior staff were killed in the raid. The IDF’s claim that Hezbollah’s massive missile, drone and rocket barrages on Wednesday and Thursday, and into Friday, are a tit-for-tat supports Hezbollah’s line that its massive aggression is a legitimate reaction to Abdullah’s assassination.

The IDF’s claim is, to be sure, self-defeating. But that’s not the main problem.

The main problem with the IDF’s assertion is that it ignores the strategic logic of Hezbollah’s operations. Hezbollah isn’t attacking in response to any specific Israeli operation. It is attacking to achieve its strategic goals. Hezbollah isn’t simply abusive; it is waging a strategic war with clear long-term and intermediate strategic objectives.

Hezbollah began shelling Israel with drones, anti-tank rockets and missiles on October 8, 2023. It has maintained and slowly escalated its attacks since then. Far from reactive, Hezbollah’s moves are ends-driven. From one assault to the next, Hezbollah learns more about penetrating Israel’s defenses. Its escalatory cycle is a function of its learning curve.

Enabling Hezbollah’s control over Lebanon

What are the goals that Hezbollah uses its projectile campaign to achieve? Hezbollah’s ultimate goal is that of its Iranian overlord: Israel’s annihilation. But it has intermediate goals on the road to final victory. The first is to achieve operational control over northern Israel. Such control, Hezbollah and Iran assess, will force Israel to capitulate on the strategic battlefield. If Hezbollah’s anti-tank rockets, drones and missiles are able to cancel Israel’s ability to defend northern Israel, then Israel will be forced to capitulate on the issue of formal sovereignty at the negotiating table in order to achieve “quiet.”

The specific “deal” Hezbollah seeks involves Israel’s formal surrender of its sovereignty over Mount Dov, a vast area in the Golan Heights that controls all of northern Israel, including Haifa Bay.

Hezbollah is able to advance its operations because it is protected by a series of actors both within Lebanon and in the international arena. As Lebanon affairs expert Tony Badran has argued convincingly for years, Hezbollah is Iran’s Lebanese foreign legion. It is also Lebanon itself.

Hezbollah controls all aspects of politics and security affairs in the country and much of the economy. Lebanon’s official bodies, its state institutions (including the Lebanese Armed Forces), the Parliament, the Central Bank and the government are all fig leaves whose purpose is to hide this basic truth. UNIFIL, the UN military force mandated to keep Hezbollah away from the border with Israel, operates at Hezbollah’s pleasure. Its personnel live (and die) at Hezbollah’s pleasure. As a result, not only is the agency incapable of carrying out its mandate, but like the LAF, UNIFIL’s continued presence along the border shields Hezbollah forces and assets from the IDF.

Under Hezbollah’s control, Lebanon is not an actual country. It is Iran’s forward military base against Israel that happens to have 5.5 million residents. The job of the residents is to deny that they live in an Iranian missile base.

The United Nations, the United States and the European Union are perfectly capable of recognizing the basic truth. But they obstinately refuse to do so. Instead, they enable Hezbollah’s continued control by joining the Lebanese in maintaining the fiction that Lebanon is still a country with state institutions that operate independently of Hezbollah, are in a position to oppose Hezbollah’s actions, and therefore, worthy of U.S. and international financial and military support. That position allows them to play-act at diplomacy and mediate Israeli surrender deals to Hezbollah’s genocidal aggression while avoiding direct confrontations with either Hezbollah or Iran themselves.

In the face of Hezbollah’s assaults and the protection it enjoys from supporters both within Lebanon and on the world stage, Israel is left with a dilemma. Permitting Hezbollah to achieve its goals would be national suicide. But in order to block Hezbollah from achieving its goals, Israel will once again need to fight a major war against another enemy protected by the international system.

There is also the military challenge. For the past generation, successive IDF General Staffs have embraced the notion that the era of big conventional wars is over. Based on this false, but popular assessment, for 20 years, the General Staff slashed Israel’s ground forces and placed most of Israel’s resources in the air force and other technology-driven units. These forces were directed not towards developing plans to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah, but towards attacking Iran’s nuclear installations, preferably as part of a U.S.-led force. The notion that Israel could gut its strategic independence in exchange for U.S. strategic guarantees dominated Israel’s national security discourse.

However, since Oct. 7, Israel has found itself in a major conventional war on seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria, the Red Sea, Iran and Iraq/Syria.

While Israel prepared for the war it wanted to fight — a low-cost, high-tech war fought mainly from air-conditioned operations centers by remote control — its enemies prepared for the war they wanted to fight. Namely, that is their war to eliminate Israel. Israel trained hackers, and Hamas and Hezbollah trained jihadist terror armies of murderers, rapists and squads to launch missiles, drones and rockets.

Fighting these armies with Israel’s high-tech force is proving to be extremely difficult. Israel’s assumption of U.S. support has also taken a major hit. To be sure, Washington is willing to support Israel’s efforts to defend itself from aggression along the seven fronts manned by Iran and its proxies. But it opposes Israeli offensive action and has worked actively to undermine Israel’s ability to carry out prolonged offensive operations. Among other things, the United States refuses to share satellite and other intelligence related to offensive objectives, and is placing embargoes or slow walking the transfer of offensive munitions for Israel’s ground and air forces.

End Hezbollah’s reign of terror

Given the strategic imperative of defeating Hezbollah and preventing it from achieving operational or strategic control over northern Israel, and in light of Israel’s diplomatic weakness relative to Hezbollah (and Hamas) and its operational weaknesses, the question is: how should Israel proceed?

The answer begins with the strategic imperative. Israel must end Hezbollah’s reign of terror over northern Israel. It must degrade Hezbollah’s military capacity to the point that Hezbollah is no longer able to strike Israel at will. To achieve this goal, Israel needs to take control over the Lebanese side of the border, destroy Hezbollah’s forces south of the Litani River and then remain in place in Southern Lebanon for the foreseeable future.

Such a goal is, of course, easy to declare. But it is far more difficult to achieve. Realistically, to accomplish this objective, Israel needs to vastly increase the size of its standing and reserve forces, and possess the military-industrial capacity to arm its forces independently. Israel is already working to achieve both of these objectives. However, industrial independence and the enlargement of military forces take time to achieve. And time is of the essence. The 80,000 displaced residents of the north now scattered in hotels throughout the country cannot be expected to wait years to return to their homes.

Then-prime minister Ehud Barak’s decision to surrender the security zone in Southern Lebanon to Hezbollah in May 2000 is the reason that the terror organization was able to build its forces to the point where it poses an existential threat to Israel’s survival. By committing itself to reversing his move, Jerusalem will place itself on the road to victory. The government will steel the public for the road ahead, and provide the General Staff and lower echelons of the IDF with the required guidance for developing and carrying out tactical missions that will advance Israel’s ultimate goal.

If Israel invades Lebanon with a corps-sized force, it will unify the U.S.-led international community to rally against it. But if it moves slowly, with discrete battles against specific targets, Israel can remain below the radar screens of hostile Western capitals and global institutions. On the surface, Israel can present its operations as mere responses to Hezbollah’s strikes. But just as Hezbollah uses every missile assault as a means to probe and learn how to penetrate Israel’s defenses to advance its strategic goal, so too, by attaching every action to the strategic objective of restoring the security zone in Southern Lebanon, Israel’s operations will be paving stones on the road to strategic victory.

Each move will make the north safer. And each move will undermine Hezbollah’s goals. By acting slowly and deliberately, Israel can learn as it goes, adapting its operations to the conditions that it discovers on the ground, expanding them when political realities allow and constraining them when those realities are more daunting.

To date, most of Israel’s actions in Lebanon have involved killing Hezbollah military commanders like Abdullah. Yet as the Alma Research and Education Center, which specializes in Hezbollah’s operations and capabilities, noted in an analysis of the operation and others like it: “Everyone has a successor.”

“An attempt to remove top officials can only be a supporting endeavor. It is vital and right, but ultimately it is a tactical endeavor with no strategic significance.”

A slowly escalating operation in Lebanon directed towards the strategic aim of ending Hezbollah’s assault on northern Israel and securing Israel’s sovereignty will enable Israel to gradually escalate its operations as its forces are readied and military-industrial independence expanded. It will provide a means to avoid the worst of the international calumny that Israel will surely suffer in a mass invasion while moving Israel steadily towards a strategic goal capable of securing Israel’s vital interests — and survival.

Caroline Glick is an award-winning columnist and author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.

Reprinted by kind permission of JNS.

Gatestone Institute

14 thoughts on “Responding to Hezbollah’s Strategic Offensive

  1. Note to Caroline the Zionist:

    Unlike easily bombing a civilian population into the stone age the armed resistance in Lebanon have and will take it to the Israelis until they cease their genocide upon the Palestinians. Israel will once again be defeated without the military machine of big brother.

    Biden is drooling and can’t find his way out of a paper box and with elections coming the US military machine has told the IOF that it is not interested in expanding their war theatre progrom for the messianic Greater Israel lunatics.

    Israel’s Channel 13:

    “Austin informed Gallant that the American administration is not interested in escalating the confrontation in the north”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your Zionist brethren are thieving mass murders of the most despicable variety.

      The regional armed resistance will have a go at the baby killers instead of unarmed civilians that have been massacred in the tens of thousands.

      We can only hope that these arrogant,genocidal lunatics escalate the conflict so we can see how the baby killers perform in a real conflict. You know ,like last time Hezbollah kicked their ass.

      Bring it on.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties using them as a propaganda tool. Propaganda very effective upon Jew hating pacifist Utopians who’d willingly extend their own necks and that of their children in the face of their moral cowardice. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sure,buddy. We’ve all seen and heard enough Israeli violence and propoganda to call you and your ilk out for what you are.

      Speaking of children:

      15,694 children have been killed and 17,000 are without parents after 8 months of Israel’s war on Gaza.

      This number of slaughtered children does not include those that the State of Israel have killed in the West Bank/Jerusalem and the 11,000 Palestinians estimated to be slaughtered and rotting under the American/Israeli rubble.

      Some 50,000 children slaughtered and left without parents by the Israeli baby killers and nutjobs like you support their never-ending, grotesque mass murder of Palestinians and the theft of their land.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The greatest beneficiaries of the total defeat and surrender of Hamas would be the civilians of Gaza, even if they don’t realize it. The same was true for the civilians of Germany and Japan.

    The Hamas “ideology”. Actually a group-think of primitive tribal cannibal savages. Cowardice on steroids.

    “The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement” (aka Hamas), Lillian Goldman Law Library,

    “Peaceful solutions” to the problem that is Israel “are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. . . . There is no solution … except through Jihad”:

    “[Hamas] aspires to the realisation of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The very charters of the institutions that govern the Palestinians are declarations of intent to murder. Far from being charters for the founding of a civilized, rights-respecting state, they are declarations of war against civilized, rights-respecting society.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Red, brown, yellow, black and white
    They are precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    Jesus died for all the children
    All the children of the world
    Red, brown, yellow, black and white
    They are precious in His sight
    Jesus died for all the children of the world.

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Red, brown, yellow, black and white
    They are precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    Red, brown, yellow, black and white
    They are precious in His sight

    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    Liked by 1 person

  6. WAR IS HELL and war is ended by defeating the enemy who exists upon a covenant that calls for your destruction. The Jews were far too tolerant and enabled fanatical slave regimes to embezzle billions in “foreign aid” to build a terror state and followed through with actual deeds.

    Disproportionate force, if available, is the most ethical way to end the war. All collateral damage—including deaths of innocents—resulting from Israel’s use of retaliatory force is exclusively the responsibility of those who initiated force and thus necessitated retaliatory force. All of it can be stopped by returning remains of hostages and surrendering.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nobody but you believes the IOF/Zionist B.S. you regurgitate :

    Jerusalem Post

    JUNE 17, 2024 21:16

    A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas’ plan to breach the security fence and kidnap 250 people weeks before the October 7 massacre.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A reader’s response in the Jerusalem Post to this story that the IOF knew exactly what was going down :

      9 hours ago

      It’s striking the difference between what the Israeli media feeds out for its Israel readers or supporters ‘in their bubble’ – and what the rest of the world already does.

      Of course the IDF knew in advance. So did Netanyahu and the cabinet. Egypt and the US had briefed Israel weeks before on what Hamas planned, being a breakout and capture ideally unharmed hostages for negotiation.

      Hamas did not know of the Nova rave (even though Israeli authorities postponed the festival to coincide with the Palestinians breaching into the Negev).

      Netanyahu and the Israeli cabinet plus the IDF let it happen. Encouraged it in fact.

      To stop the progress of the 2 state solution and destroy Palestine.

      By the way, the evidence is that the majority of Israeli killed on that day were via the IDF – helicopter gunships / Apache rockets and heavy calibre chain machine guns slaughtering everyone near or around the Gaza breakout, or in the settlements with tanks.

      Over half of the Israeli killed were on orders (Hannibal directive) to kill anyone and everyone to prevent them being taken as hostage.

      As we know the IDF then set about to completely destroy, starve and commit mass genocide in Gaza with nearly 50,000 mostly woman, children, elderly and non combatants within Gaza now killed in a stage managed genocide, hoping to push / ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people out of Gaza and into Egypt.

      That was always the plan.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Let it happen and we can go to war and kill off a bunch of Palestinians. Started by Hamas kidnappers. I do realize that Israel had to have known of the planned attacks with the level of surveillance and intel networks. The mistake Palestinians made was electing Hamas in the first place. There had to have been a better way forward than Hamas imho

        Liked by 2 people

      • Create the problem to implement the solution: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy”

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Zionism is essentially a belief that Jewish people have a moral Right to a nation of their own to develop and to defend. A Right rightfully earned not because of any history or heritage there actually is between the area and the Jewish people, but because the Jews substantially accomplished establishing a Rights respecting state in an area where no respect for Rights existed before.

    The Jews formed a state substantially dedicated to the protection of individual rights; formed in a region in which no rights-respecting state already existed; and they substantially followed thru on the aim of protecting individual rights. This is why Israel is a legitimate state and why Israel has a moral obligation to destroy and crush those who openly call for the extermination of the Jewish people.

    Modern day Nazism (=Socialism) must be openly condemned, shamed, and ridiculed. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME upon the rampant moral cowardice!

    Liked by 1 person

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