Robert Kennedy Jr. Says What Every American Is Feeling

This explains why the mainstream media rarely gives him a platform.


The system’s rigged,” proclaimed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., channeling the frustration felt by countless Americans during a heated interview with The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur.

“People know that they don’t own their government anymore … It’s rigged against them.”

In a searing indictment, Kennedy described the current state as an “oligarchy” engineered to “strip-mine wealth from the American middle class and send it north.”

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“We do not have a democracy now because the little guy in this country has absolutely no say in what’s happening with his government,” Kennedy asserted. This disenfranchisement, he explained, fuels “the rise in this violence and the polarization, et cetera.”

Kennedy didn’t hold back in his stark portrayal of economic injustice. “It [the system] is rigged to shift money upward. It’s like a vacuum cleaner. The Fed and all of these — all of our laws and institutions are designed to strip-mine wealth from the American middle class and send it north.”

He proceeded to issue a reality check on the current situation. “You eliminate the middle class, which we’ve done now, and you have this new oligarchy of billionaires, and you have widespread poverty below. That configuration is too unstable to support democracy sustainably. So we’re going to lose democracy if we don’t have a middle classand we don’t have one anymore.”

Kennedy’s fiery critique is a message that should resonate with every working and middle-class American. Ironically, the system appears rigged against Kennedy himself, as he finds no voice on CNN’s upcoming debate stage despite meeting the network’s qualifying terms.

Watch the Full Interview:

2 thoughts on “Robert Kennedy Jr. Says What Every American Is Feeling

  1. Siphoning the money is the least of it.

    They have been doing that since the beginning.

    How about a talk about the real issues of who really runs so-called democratic countries and for whom and what end?

    Covid. Ukraine. Gaza. Right in your face.

    Liked by 1 person

    • THE BIG PICTURE!!!! One needs to look into the past, present and future to see the big picture with any clarity. Most are too afraid or in denial. Some things change but for the most part they stay the same under the guise of the new. There is nothing new under the sun.


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