Bob Blayone, Concerned Canadian ,Responds To My ‘We Unify Speech ‘On The Weekend

Spoils of War “We, the people , must resist this madness. The three pillars of our democracy have been corrupted: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary. It is up to the people to demand our democracy back. If this is not urgently pursued now, the globalists will win and we will all be Orwellian characters defying the promise of our democratic ancestors.”

– Brian Peckford, last living signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The three pillars and unofficial fourth (media) of society were taken over by the Uni-party establishment, a treasonous betrayal decades in the making. It’s not just me who sees that. Let’s call it like it is. As Dr McCullough stated in Red Deer Alberta, “We are at war. From the outside looking in, all British Commonwealth nations are the hardest hit.”

Of course we are. When it comes to bending the knee to global parasites, to kings, queens, totalitarian global oligarchs, Canada was ahead of the curve. Let’s speak plainly. For far too long Canadian Native Indians were held as prisoners on small plots of land. And now as Canadians, we are all set to have a taste of that, but on a much larger scale. Canada wide in fact, one giant reservation.  

Today’s betrayal is reminiscent of the days of my great ancestor Chief Big Bear one hundred and sixty years ago, the last holdout to the last treaty, Treaty Six. Unfortunately today, like Big Bear, Louis Riel and Western Canadian farmers (who came to Canada as they fled tyranny), there’s far too many collaborators of a treasonous Uni-party Union, as Dr Francis Christian recently coined this modern day betrayal of Western Democracies, this modern day betrayal of mankind.

A Uni-party Union, a marriage made in hell, where communism, fascism and the global technocrats converge, where the Chinese communist government and global totalitarian parasites salivate at dividing the spoils of war, drooling a vicious drool at the idea of global domination of mankind.

This plays out, as the Canadian bewildered masses remain oblivious to that, the devil playing the fiddle of deception. “Trudeau did it”, the mantra of the day, leading Canadians into their box cars, prison, reservation.    

The solution, to wake up the masses, as I’ve been doing since learning of it, is to begin speaking plainly, bluntly calling out the betrayal that’s been decades in the making. Check that. The loss of Canadian liberty has been hundreds of years in the making. Collaborators must be challenged also.

Collaborators in legislature, government, justice, media, corporate, etc, etc.

Speaking plainly also on the fact we’re living in the midst of a spiritual war, having reached a crescendo of good vs evil, of God vs satan competing for the soul of mankind, the liar of liars works his darkness, as many remain frozen and ignorant in the deception of fear, as far too many men and women take their thirty pieces of silver, as men, women and children are brutalized, stolen from, preyed upon and murdered.

Speaking plainly to the truth of the betrayal of the day is the only way to set Canadians and mankind free.

2 thoughts on “Bob Blayone, Concerned Canadian ,Responds To My ‘We Unify Speech ‘On The Weekend

  1. All of them are complicit and have been complicit in the attempted removal of our human rights. Not one of the 338 are innocent. Just sitting on their thumbs and collecting salaries and pensions while the powers that be try to coral the sheep is the same thing. Stand up for the people that elected them or what is even the point of having a parliamentary system. The Charter appears to mean absolutely nothing to these evil people.


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