WWII-Era Germans vs. Palestinians: An Eye-Opening Historical Comparison

Dennis Prager  | June 18, 2024

A man wearing a head and face covering holds a green flare in the air.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant anti-Israel slogans at a protest outside the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 27. (Photo: Ilker Eray/Middle East Images/Getty Images)

Dennis Prager@DennisPrager

Dennis Prager is a columnist for The Daily Signal, nationally syndicated radio host, and creator of PragerU.

Immediately after the burnings, rapes, mutilations, and killings of Jews on Oct. 7, I was not alone in noting the one moral difference between Hamas and the Nazis: The Nazis tried to hide their crimes against the Jews from the German people (and the world) while Hamas proudly publicized their crimes against the Jews to the Palestinian people (and didn’t mind that the world would inevitably see them bragging about killing Jews). 

In addition to video-recording their atrocities, Hamas paraded captured Jews—dead and alive, clothed and naked—in front of cheering Palestinian crowds in Gaza.

This leads to a sobering realization.

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Hamas boasting to their fellow Palestinians about what they did to Jews while the Nazis tried to hide what they did from fellow Germans means there is not only a moral difference between Hamas and the Nazis, but a moral difference between the German people during the Nazi era and the Palestinian people today—and for nearly the past hundred years.

Morally speaking, it would be difficult to name a less impressive people than the Palestinians over the past century. For those who do not understand that a generalization means, by definition, that there are exceptions, I should note that there are and have always been noble Palestinian individuals. But the cumulative Palestinian record of evil over the past century has few peers.

Let’s begin in the 1940s.

The leading Palestinian religious leader in the early 1940s, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was a major supporter of the Nazis and their extermination campaign against the Jews. There is a famous photo of al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin on Nov. 28, 1941. As reported in the Holocaust Encyclopedia, “Al-Husseini pointed out that Germany alone recognized the global threat of the ‘Jewish problem’ and took steps to ‘solve’ it globally … .”

The encyclopedia further notes that “on December 18, 1942, Arab emigres opened an ‘Islamic Central Institute’ (Islamische Zentral-Institut) in Berlin, with al-Husseini as a senior sponsor and keynote speaker. In his speech, al-Husseini lashed out at the Jews, stating that the Koran judged the Jews ‘to be the most irreconcilable enemies of the Muslims.’”

The Haaretz newspaper—which is left-wing and rabidly anti-Benjamin Netanyahu—described al-Husseini as “the father of Palestinian nationalism.”

In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the father of Palestinian nationalism as a war criminal for recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers to join the Waffen-SS and participate in its extermination of the Jews of Croatia and Hungary.

All of that Nazi-like Palestinian antisemitism predates the establishment of the state of Israel.

Before describing decades of Palestinian butchery of Jews in Israel, it is also important to note the moral record of the Palestinian people with regard to fellow Arabs. The Palestinians came to be widely loathed in the Arab world for good reason: Wherever they went in large numbers, they created havoc.

On Sept. 6, 1970, Palestinian terrorists hijacked Trans World Airlines, Swissair, and Pan Am airplanes. A few days later, they hijacked a British Overseas Airways Corp. (now “British Air”) airliner. The Palestinian terrorists segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, keeping the 56 Jewish hostages in custody, while releasing the non-Jews. In total, five planes were hijacked, and three of them were landed at a desert airstrip in Jordan. 

These hijackings plus Palestinian violence in Jordanian cities led to a Jordanian-Palestinian civil war in September 1970, during which, according to the Palestinians, Jordan killed 25,000 Palestinians.

Seven months later, in April 1971, Yassir Arafat, the Palestinians’ leader, called for the overthrow of Jordan’s King Hussein. In November of that same year, four members of the Black September terrorist group (which took its name from the Palestinians’ September 1970 defeat in Jordan), assassinated Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi Tal in Cairo. 

As reported in The New York Times, an “assassin kneeled beside his victim to lick his blood.” A photo of a Palestinian assassin drinking (not merely licking) Tal’s blood was widely published.

After destabilizing Jordan and losing the civil war they caused, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians went to Lebanon, where they quickly proceeded to ruin that country. Their love of violence and terrorism led to the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975, which lasted until 1990. That war led to an estimated 150,000 Lebanese killed, tens of thousands wounded, hundreds of thousands displaced and left destitute, and a decrease in the Christian population of Lebanon from 55% in 1970 to 35% in 2022.

Meanwhile, throughout Israel’s history, Palestinians killed Jews in Israel whenever possible, blowing up school and municipal buses filled with passengers, blowing up Passover Seders and weddings and pizza parlors full of families, and wherever else Jews were assembled. On a regular basis, they stabbed and shot to death Jews who were simply going about their daily business.

To cite a few examples:

  • On May 8, 1970, Palestinian terrorists crossed into Israel and carried out the Avivim school bus massacre, a bombing that killed 13 civilians, nine of whom were children, and injured 25 other children.
  • On May 22, 1970, Palestinians fired rocket-propelled grenades into an Israeli school bus, killing nine children and three adults, and wounding 25.
  • On May 30, 1972, Japanese terrorists working on behalf of a Palestinian terrorist group killed 26 and injured 80 passengers at Israel’s international airport (then called Lod).
  • On May 15, 1974, Palestinians went to a school in Ma’alot, Israel, where they took hostage 105 high school students and more than 10 others. They eventually killed 25 of the hostages, including 22 students, and injured 68 others.
  • On March 11, 1978, Palestinians hijacked a bus and killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and injured 76 more.
  • On Oct. 19, 1994, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus during the morning rush hour in Tel Aviv, killing 22 people and injuring 50 more. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • On March 2, 2002, a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 11 people and injured more than 50 at a Saturday evening bar mitzvah celebration. The terrorist detonated the bomb next to a group of women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave the nearby synagogue.
  • On March 27, 2002, 30 people were killed and 140 injured in a Palestinian suicide bombing in a hotel in the coastal city of Netanya in the midst of the Passover Seder with 250 guests.
  • On July 31, 2002, nine people were killed and 85 wounded when a bomb exploded in the student center cafeteria on the Hebrew University campus. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • On Aug. 19, 2003, 23 people were killed and more than 130 wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself on a bus in Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility.

This brief list is nowhere near exhaustive.

According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, as of 2022, a majority of Palestinians support terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank has been paying more than $300 million annually—about 8% of the Palestinian budget—to the families of imprisoned terrorists and of terrorists killed while engaging in an act of terrorism against Jews. Another Palestinian poll states that the vast majority of Palestinians in the West Bank—more than 75%—support Hamas at this time.

The Palestinian people love killing Jews and have loved doing so for nearly a century. Palestinian women routinely pass out candy in the streets in celebration of terrorist attacks against Jews. Compare this to Israel, which has many human rights organizations holding Israel to account regarding its treatment of Palestinians. Compare this to Israelis, who for years had volunteered to drive Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza to receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.

To be “pro-Palestinian” today means being pro-Hamas, just as to be “pro-German” during World War II was the same as being pro-Nazi. The only difference is that the Germans as a whole were a better people than the Palestinians. If you support the Palestinians, you should know who you support.


We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

17 thoughts on “WWII-Era Germans vs. Palestinians: An Eye-Opening Historical Comparison

  1. Totalitarian death cults are a fact of reality and we do not discuss the existence and nature of these adequately. It is very controversial because it involves our ancient Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Mysticism that hijacks the very real and rational topics of Metaphysics (the nature of the Universe qua man), Epistemology (the theory and practice of knowledge of ‘what is’), and Ethics (morality itself) all of which ought be addressed and discussed using reason, not religious faith nor consensus group-think.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The Orthodox Jews won’t be hanging around to slaughter their neighbours so the exodus will eventually be in the millions and hopefully implode this Rothschild Colonial abomination:

      More than Half a Million

      More than half a million Israelis left the country and did not return during the first six months of war, the Times of Israel reported on Sunday, citing the Population and Immigration Authority.

      According to the authority’s data, around 550,000 Israelis have left the country since October last year.

      Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Israeli citizens on Wednesday not to leave the country.

      “Do not leave the country,” Bennett wrote in a post on the X platform.

      Liked by 2 people

      • You read too much into statistics.

        Let me help you, the claim that 550 000 550,000 Israelis left the country could have varying reasons.

        The most probable reason is fear created by terrorism.

        Then it does not identify which Israelis (Religion) or of what origins those were who left and for what reason.

        It also does not say they have left permanently so it may be temporary.

        It does also not tell you that they could be a large portion of Orthodox Jews who fear conscription .

        You seem very gleeful to stake a claim that could quite easily be construed as rubbish as The Population and Immigration Authority may not be too honest either and have an agenda.

        We have seen many lies from many authorities in all parts of the world.

        Liked by 2 people

      • “In 2021 there was a poll of young Jews that said 40% believed Israel was an apartheid state.20-30% already thought that Israel was committing a genocide against Palestinians -before- years ago-that it was agreed by many human rights organisations and the ICJ that Israel were plausibly creating a genocide in Gaza.

         Right now, in a moment in which with the horrors coming out of Gaza  are so undeniable and the violence is unrelenting and it is getting worse. Israel’s impunity is so maddening and outrageous. The idea that all of this is being done in the name of Jewish communities around the world … I’m certain endangers Jewish communities.” Simone Zimmerman -founder of ‘If Not Now’ interviewed by Owen Jones July 1st , 2024


  2. Are the ones who lick the blood of their prey human, or are they members of a different humanoid species? Do animals ever consume other members of the same species? This is more of a question than a comment.


    • Especially children. Palestinian children.

      Save the Children report:

      21,000 Palestinian children slaughtered by the Israelis/Jews.

      4,000 Palestinian children missing and long presumed dead under the rubble of American bombs dropped by Israeli Jews.

      40,000 Palestinian children injured by the Israeli Jews.

      19,000 Palestinian children orphaned by the Israeli Jews.

      A month ago the Israeli Jews slaughtered more than 500 Palestinians in the West Bank,where there is no Hamas nothing. Just theft,destruction and slaughter unlimited.

      Israeli Jews have killed more than 500 doctors and medics with an additional 380 arrested by the occupying forces of Israel.

      108 reporters have been slaughtered by the Israeli Jews since Oct. 7th in Gaza.

      That’s a brief overview of slaughter by the Israeli Jews in the last nine months,alone.

      There are countless slaughters of Palestinians since Israel began stealing Palestinian land. Those that perpetuate this abomination of never-ending death,theft and destruction are guilty by association.

      Liked by 1 person

      • And before the “Palestinian” children were physically maimed and killed by the IDF as a consequence of “collateral damage” in a war against barbarian butchers (in retaliation for the monstrous uncivilized and cowardly attacks purposely targeted at Israeli civilians, including entire families of moms, dads, children, and grandparent), those same “PAL” children (born innocent and pure) were purposely emotionally, spiritually, and mentally maimed in their nascent little minds and Souls by the brutal and uncivilized PAL culture of hate that they were fatefully born into; not by Jews or the IDF, but by their very own parents, siblings, relatives, schools, and propaganda machine that infused their mind dulling, Soul crushing messages of Hatred & Murder into their little brains and entire beings. These poor kids were Soul-dead from hatred before the IDF mounted their retaliatory attacks against the PAL army of terrorists, and there would be far fewer children and other civilians dead and wounded if Hamas didn’t do their dirty work and then run and hide like cowardly rats amongst their civilian population. Hamas cares far less about their own civilian men, women, and children than the IDF, but they love the propaganda points that dead children earn them for their hypocritical propagandists around the world.

        Golda Meir was spot on, and prophetic when she said that there wouldn’t be peace in the Middle East until uncivilized cultures like those in Gaza loved their own children more than they hated Jews.

        Liked by 3 people

      • This would specifically apply to the so-called Gary Haig:

        “We (Israelis) are losing our identity as people, as Jews, and as human beings.”

        Ami Ayalon, former head of Shin Bet, “and if we shall not end this occupation, we shall not have democracy.”


      • Fact: There are self-hating Jews, and their hate is amplified and temporarily assuaged by their projected hatred of themselves. There are also self-hating Christians, Muslims, Gazans, Americans, white people, black people, etc. Psychiatrists used to call these folks “neurotic” or “personality disordered.” But Propagandists, whose own hearts are filled with projected self-hatred, turn to these mentally ill outliers and posit them as “expert” representative spokespersons of their projection based target, when all they really represent is their own twisted viewpoint.

        Funny thing about self-hating Propagandists. They can never assuage the vile hatred in their own hearts, because they are always looking outside (projection) instead of honestly turning inward to discover the root of their angst in themselves. Cowardly, no?

        Liked by 1 person

      • What does Haaretz’s Gideon Levy say to the likes of Mr. Peckford, Gilles and Gary Haig here on this Zionist-promoting blog that unequivocally supports Israel’s endless land theft, starvation,endless war crimes,mass murder,ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians? :

        “The Israeli mindset is very limited. It’s amazing how nine months of killing and destruction in Gaza didn’t change anything in Israel’s mindset about the price that Gazans have paid. After nine months nothing has changed-Netanyahu must go and the hostages must be released. That’s our only concerns in this war. “

        Owen Jones interviewing Mr. Levy: “This is one of the greatest atrocities of the 21st century. Does Israeli society look at this horror…have they not changed at all? ”

        Gideon Levy: ” I wish I could give you another answer but the answer is that nothing penetrates the Israeli conscience. Israelis have ignored the suffering of Palestinians for decades and still I can tell you that this time shocks me in their level of blindness and their level of not wanting to know and,above all,this attitude of JUSTIFYING EVERYTHING. Every atrocity,ever crime that the Israeli Army are committing in Gaza will immediately be justified by 95% of the Israelis. IMMEDIATE. AUTOMATIC. You don’t even ask: What? Why? It will be just. To release two hostages and kill 200 Palestinians? Totally JUSTIFIED. Would it have been 1,000 Palestinians it would also be JUSTIFIED. 15,000 dead children? JUSTIFIED. In the former wars there were some voices opposing what we did to the Palestinians. Don’t underestimate their plans about the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. From my point of view the annexation (of the West Bank) happened long ago. I don’t see how anyone can make the West Bank Palestinian again. Their plans are very clear. The northern part and wide parts around the entire Gaza Strip and the north of the Gaza Strip will remain Israeli. Jewish. Not Palestinian.That’s the plan. BTW,they are destroying homes and entire villages in Southern Lebanon as we speak.It’s the same strategy that doesn’t guarantee anything with long -range misssiles. I don’t see Israel leaving Gaza in the coming years and that is a catastrophe by itself.”


      • Your figures most probably come form the Hamas Gaza Palestinian controlled Heath department.

        The figures from Hamas sources have been shown by mathematicians to be very flawed and are faked.

        So, I argue you are wrong, and making false claims based on the despicable lies of some journaliars like Max Blumenthal who has been exposed lying about Israel.

        Just another view from a non Jew.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Those of us who don’t worship the devil and his children are always vexed by todays version of the Nuremburg tribunals that supports the devil and his children to the detriment of ethno-nationalists everywhere. Nothing has changed since the first communist revolution in 1640s England and its devilish democratic PC insanity. Remember comrades; all glory is fleeting and you are all mortal. Not just with persons but also empires and so called civilizations. The cycle of history is turning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties using them as a propaganda tool. Propaganda very effective upon Jew hating pacifist Utopians who’d willingly extend their own necks and that of their children in the face of their moral cowardice.

    SHAME, SHAME, SHAME upon those who persist to express their moral cowardice upon the discussion platform of the Honourable Premier.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Speaking of this board cowards and their support of mothers / baby killers:

      “Israelis have ignored the suffering of Palestinians for decades and still I can tell you that this time shocks me in their level of blindness and their level of not wanting to know and,above all,this attitude of JUSTIFYING EVERYTHING. Every atrocity,ever crime that the Israeli Army are committing in Gaza will immediately be justified by 95% of the Israelis. IMMEDIATE. AUTOMATIC. You don’t even ask: What? Why? It will be just. To release two hostages and kill 200 Palestinians? Totally JUSTIFIED. Would it have been 1,000 Palestinians it would also be JUSTIFIED. 15,000 dead children? JUSTIFIED.” Gideon Levy


  5. I repeat, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME upon those who insist upon propagating their diseased tribal Collectivist ideas in support of women raping, child molesting savages who exist upon a covenant openly promoting their barbarism against a civilized rights respecting society.

    The very charters of the institutions that govern the Palestinians are declarations of intent to murder. Far from being charters for the founding of a civilized, rights-respecting state, they are declarations of war against civilized, rights-respecting society.

    “Peaceful solutions” to the problem that is Israel “are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. . . . There is no solution … except through Jihad”:

    “[Hamas] aspires to the realisation of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Give your bullshit nonsense a break.

      Jews are endangered by Israel’s bloodlust and endless theft and slaughter of Palestinians.

      The entire world is sickened by this grotesque display of theft, death and destruction that the Israeli state is now primarily known to represent.


  6. On May 14, 1948, the British mandate over Palestine expired; the United Nations partition plan, which divided Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, went into effect; and Israel declared its independence. Excerpt from Israel’s founding document, its Declaration of Independence;

    “THE STATE OF ISRAEL . . . will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions. . . .

    WE APPEAL . . . to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.”

    “Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, http://bit.ly/RiaD18.


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