Maxim Bernier —The People’s Party Of Canada

Well, he has done it.

We have a new Federal Political Party in Canada.

I think many thought that when the Reform Party and the Progressive Conservative Party joined that Canada would have a new Conservative Party. That’s it name. But soon it became obvious that the same forces and lobby groups were still there as before and sweeping reforms became less and less likely.

I suspect Mr. Bernier will attract a substantial number of real conservatives who really believe in smaller government , lower taxes, real free trade , respect for the individual , parliamentary democracy etc.

Although I think it unlikely that such a new party can form the next government , it can stimulate healthy debate on important issues that today are simply platitudes for the two main parties and help rescue us from Government knows best policy that dominates present day discourse . Additionally , I would hope the party can gain its first seats in the House of Commons in the next election and give it and its ideas a place on the national stage.

The website is

2 thoughts on “Maxim Bernier —The People’s Party Of Canada

  1. Had the CPC leadership runoff been conducted at an open, personally-attended convention, Mr Bernier would be the leader today. The mail-in ballot system ensured that the weakest candidate would rise to the top in an extended count. Far too many of the caucus members lack both principles and courage, relying on presenting themselves as more honest power mangers than the opposition party but fearful of being labeled a ‘tall poppy’ in a mediocre field. They are today, paying the price for choosing the middle road.

    What we see today is a boiling over of the the pot Preston Manning tried to put a lid on, the compromise between a principled Reform Party and a pragmatic, compromising, rule-at-any-cost Progressive Conservative Party. I don’t blame Mr Manning and the crop of subsequent appeasing leaders of the resulting amalgamation of quasi-free enterprise voices called the Conservative Party of Canada. That big tent let too many things craw out from under the rocks to ever guarantee staying power. We get the government we deserve. Mr Harper’s compromising made the nose-squeezers choke up in the ballot box — end of game.

    As Ayn Rand said, any compromise between good and evil will always benefit the evil side. Hopefully one day we’ll’ learn and live rather than copy Venezuela.
    And … good analysis on Roy Green the other day, thanks, cheers, gs


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