OK -What’s Up? Iceland 74% Fully Vaccinated , 1263% increase In Cases!

And that’s not all!

Italy 49%  fully vaccinated —79% increase in cases 

Germany 49% fully vaccinated —26% increase in cases 

France 45% fully vaccinated — 120% increase in cases 

Israel 55% fully vaccinated —48% increase in cases 

Canada 55% fully vaccinated —26% increase in cases 

Switzerland 47% fully vaccinated —29% increase in cases 

US 49% fully vaccinated —46% increase in cases 


Russia only 16%fully vaccinated — 4% decrease in cases 

India —6.9% fully vaccinated —0.3% decrease in cases 

Source : world o meter and our world in data websites 

Last seven days vs  previous seven days. 

21 thoughts on “OK -What’s Up? Iceland 74% Fully Vaccinated , 1263% increase In Cases!

  1. Brian I simply can’t answer your question but from the stats you have here it would suggest that the vaccine is having the opposite effect of that intended. However it seems odd that here in NA the double vaccinated are not catching it at the same rate as the unwashed. The problem we seem to have now is trying to understand the ever changing stats. The CDC with their 6000/12000/6000 deaths make it hard to believe anything we are told. Still here in BC and Fauci are claiming it is the unvaccinated that are driving the uptick but I’m not sure anyone even knows or is tracking these numbers accurately.

    Sent from my iPad



    • JustGiveMeAll;

      There are several major issues with the statistics we are seeing, sadly, that was my concern and the obvious flaw I saw in April 2020. It is akin to having 194 carpenters (nations) with a tape measure all trying to build a proper structure and all start at different points on the tape measure— they are expected to deliver an accurate, consistent measurement. One can be assured that the structure will not be built properly, it will leak, it will cost unbelievable sums of money, rework and nobody with common sense will buy the structure.

      The data we see has been flawed from the very start, for example:

      1. No standard test used to determine what is or isn’t Covid-19. Some nations use 20 Cycles for the PCR test, others use 25, 30, 35, 40 and the test was never designed for Covid-19 testing. Also, it is said that any result over 25 cycles is suspect and most likely a false positive;
      2. No standard used to determine deaths from Covid-19, rather tens of thousands died with Covid-19 not from Covid;
      3. No standard used to determine hospitalizations from Covid-19, rather 10,000s hospitalized with Covid-19 not from Covid;
      4. We really have no idea of the true number of people who have died or were seriously injured from the experimental vaccines injections—this is a Blackhole in which data goes to die;
      5. We have been lied too repeatedly by Medical authorities, politicians, MSM, Social Media and the Pharmaceutical Industry about the data and the proper measures to be taken;
      6. We are told that the experimental vaccines will provided herd immunity when the experimental vaccines have clearly shown this isn’t the case and the above data by Señor Peckford affirms such isn’t the case.

      The sad reality is no one can rely on the data for policy, research, legal purposes, personal decision, etc. purposes, as the data has been and continues to be built on a mound of quicksand and one is left to wonder why!!!

      Food for thought.


    • JustGiveMeAll;

      There are several major issues with the statistics we are seeing, sadly, that was my concern and the obvious flaw I saw in April 2020. It is akin to having 194 carpenters (nations) with a tape measure all trying to build a proper structure and all start at different points on the tape measure— they are expected to deliver an accurate, consistent measurement. One can be assured that the structure will not be built properly, it will leak, it will cost unbelievable sums of money, rework and nobody with common sense will buy the structure.

      The data we see has been flawed from the very start, for example:

      1. No standard test used to determine what is or isn’t Covid-19. Some nations use 20 Cycles for the PCR test, others use 25, 30, 35, 40 and the test was never designed for Covid-19 testing. Also, it is said that any result over 25 cycles is suspect and most likely a false positive;
      2. No standard used to determine deaths from Covid-19, rather tens of thousands died with Covid-19 not from Covid;
      3. No standard used to determine hospitalizations from Covid-19, rather 10,000s hospitalized with Covid-19 not from Covid;
      4. We really have no idea of the true number of people who have died or were seriously injured from the experimental vaccines injections—this is a Blackhole in which data goes to die;
      5. We have been lied too repeatedly by Medical authorities, politicians, MSM, Social Media and the Pharmaceutical Industry about the data and the proper measures to be taken;
      6. We are told that the experimental vaccines will provided herd immunity when the experimental vaccines have clearly shown this isn’t the case and the above data by Señor Peckford affirms such isn’t the case.

      The sad reality is no one can rely on the data for policy, research, legal purposes, personal decision, etc. purposes, as the data has been and continues to be built on a mound of quicksand and one is left to wonder why!!!

      Food for thought.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good work Brian!

    You have provided even more evidence that this June-July 2021 spike in Covid-19 “cases” is NOT a result of the virus, but is a reaction to the “vaccines”, which have adverse effects that mimic the virus.

    Are our idiot governments considering another lockdown? Probably.

    What they should do is stop all Covid-19 injections until they sort out what is really happening – incredible dangerous incompetence!


  3. What stuns me most is how ignorant people are. Just because you are being told the shots are meant to help, doesn’t mean that is their true intent.

    In the 1970s, they told me my babies had to have these shots to keep them healthy. The result was the complete destruction of our lives:

    April 6, 1974

    April 6, 1974

    and the lives of multitudes of others. In the 1970/80s units were set up to complete the destruction of our families:

    42 U.S. Code § 5106a: A Worthy Revisit

    42 U.S. Code § 5106a: A Worthy Revisit

    Even then it could not be allowed to be known the shots were not meant to help—they were meant to hurt.

    Here is an article with a compilation of videos informing you of the complete destruction we’ve been made to suffer for decades. Doctors, PhDs and such tell us the truth.

    Vaccine Nation

    Vaccine Nation

    A few months back—March, I think—I became furious with a major scientist who sent me what she called her effort to pull out all the stops. I recommended she say this instead:

    I had already come to those conclusions and worse.

    • I hypothesize the shots were created to deliberately infect people and infect others in turn.

    • I hypothesize an explosion of cancers and autoimmune are on the horizon—and more…

    • I hypothesize the shots were never intended to help—they were always intended to hurt.

    • I hypothesize the spike protein never existed outside a lab until now—when people were given the shots and genetically modified to produce it.

    • I believe it would be easy to prove this in a lab.

    • I also believe this will never be done.

    Of course—she didn’t, but I was and am right.


  4. I totally agree Terry, we have and continue to be lied to even in the face of over whelming evidence to the contrary. It seems we have now entered into the twilight zone of political and medical tyranny where common sense has ceased to exist. I just can’t figure out if it is by design or incompetence or a little of both. Cheers Barry

    Sent from my iPad



  5. Terry,
    Here in Alberta they were using 42 cycles for the PCR test (pre-vaccines). This guaranteed that the majority of positive results were false positives. This fact was never disclosed.
    I also heard from a nurse that people who failed to show up for their PCR test were marked as positive cases. This also helped boost the numbers.
    Let’s also recognize that the PCR test was never meant to be a diagnostic tool.
    You are correct that all the data we have been getting is being manipulated.


  6. All this conjecture—but I come from a different place. I knew the economy was going to crash big-time; I just didn’t know how.

    I went to see a psychologist for writer’s block in 2018, and I’m fairly certain she considered committing me for my views back then.

    The Psychologist

    Everything I predicted back then has come to pass. I didn’t know they were going to use a phony virus to do it.

    While everybody sits around NOT saying we need to stop all this conjecture about a virus that does not exist, they are putting their next steps into place.

    This is a conversation I had with a person who is tops in their field in the entire world. As you can see, I was asked to write the article:

    The Frustrated Scientist

    I’m to the point where I’d rather work for the bad guys. At least they know what the hell they are doing.

    Is there a quiet place away from 5G with clean food and water where I can work and have access to all the data and information I could want? I’m yours.


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