All charges against Maxime Bernier for Niagara protest dismissed

  • May 15, 2024

Media Inquiries:

ST. CATHARINES, ON: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is pleased to announce that two charges against federal party leader Maxime Bernier have been withdrawn. The charges stemmed from his 2021 attendance at a protest against Ontario’s Stay-at-Home Order in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

The Justice Centre provided for lawyers to represent Mr. Bernier. The charges against him were withdrawn on May 14, 2024, in the Ontario Court of Justice (Provincial Offences Division) at the request of the prosecutor after Mr. Bernier donated to a Niagara Region charity.

On April 17, 2021, Mr. Bernier attended a peaceful protest in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The protest started at the Clifton Hill War Memorial and moved across the street to the Oakes Garden Theatre where a crowd of approximately 500 people listened to various speakers, including Mr. Bernier. For his participation, Mr. Bernier was charged with failing to comply with the Stay-at-Home Order and with failing to comply with an order under the Reopening Ontario Act.

At the time, the province’s Stay-at-Home Order prohibited citizens from leaving their residences unless it was for one of 29 purposes deemed “essential” by the Ontario government.

Mr. Bernier is a former Cabinet Minister under the Conservative Government of Stephen Harper. He held ministerial portfolios in Industry, Foreign Affairs, and State. He was chair of the National Defence Select Committee from 2009 to 2011. In 2018, he left the CPC and founded the People’s Party of Canada.

Chris Fleury, lawyer for Mr. Bernier, says, “With the exception of Randy Hillier’s challenge of the Stay-at-Home-Order and our ArriveCAN challenge, this was the last ticket case that we were defending in Ontario. We are slowly putting this shameful period behind us.”

Former Ontario provincial politician Randy Hillier continues his fight against the Stay-at-Home Order with an appeal following the loss of his constitutional challenge to that Order. Mr. Hillier’s hearing is scheduled at the Ontario Court of Appeal in September.

Details on the ArriveCAN challenge can be found on the Justice Centre’s website here.

Chris Fleury continues, “While we would have preferred that no one who attended this protest was charged in the first place, this is an excellent outcome for Mr. Bernier. Ontario’s Stay-at-Home Order was unnecessary, unscientific, and ultimately harmful. It is encouraging that prosecutions of this nature are finally coming to a close.”

7 thoughts on “All charges against Maxime Bernier for Niagara protest dismissed

  1. How can anyone be pleased with this decision,when all you show is blackmail and corruption and push that as a win for the people with bullshit like this

    “The Justice Centre provided for lawyers to represent Mr. Bernier. The charges against him were withdrawn on May 14, 2024, in the Ontario Court of Justice (Provincial Offences Division) at the request of the prosecutor after Mr. Bernier donated to a Niagara Region charity.“


    Nothing to see here BOY’S and GIRL’S but our right’s and freedom kicked down the road for another day again so people who don’t have the money to be blackmailed behind closed doors will have to face these same changes on their own with maybe a public defender on their side, what a joke.

    I don’t see this as a win but a step backwards for the rule of law or faith in the justice system just my opinion, and I know that don’t mean much.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly, where is the accountability being doled out to the perpetrators?? Again, no accountability in any government in Canada. As far as legal representation declaring “With the exception of Randy Hillier’s challenge of the Stay-at-Home-Order and our ArriveCAN challenge, this was the last ticket case that we were defending in Ontario. We are slowly putting this shameful period behind us.”

      This will never be put behind myself until Turdeau and his minions are held accountable. The way Hilliar was treated is complete ” BULLSHIT ” when did standing up on behalf of your constituents and self become a crime in Canada or should I say Kanadastan or maybe Chinada. As far as I am concerned it is unacceptable that these governments, supposedly for the people, have gotten away with what they have. The fact that they were outright in your face attacking the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is out right treasonous behavior and should warrant suitable punishment under the law.

      Never will I forget what the government has done to Canadians.

      Liked by 1 person

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