Prosecute Fauci —Musk Says

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Elon Musk Says “Prosecute/Fauci” After Health Official Makes Damning Admission

This Musk post on Fauci has quickly become a viral phenomenon.


“Prosecute/Fauci” quote tweeted Elon Musk, owner and CTO of the 𝕏 platform on Friday.

Musk’s comments were in response to a New York Post cover titled “SICK LIES: After Years of Falsehoods, health official ADMITS US funded dangerous virus research at China’s COVID Lab.”

Here’s a summary of the New York Post article:

• NIH principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress that the NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, depending on the definition of gain-of-function, confirming the involvement through EcoHealth Alliance. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did [fund gain-of-function research].”

Take a listen:

• This admission follows years of evasive answers from federal health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, about funding such controversial research.

• However, Tabak also said, “The generic term [gain-of-function] is research that goes on in many, many labs around the country. It is not regulated. And the reason it’s not regulated is it poses no threat or harm to anybody.”

• Dr. Bryce Nickels, a professor of genetics at Rutgers University, criticized the NIH’s communication as obfuscating and avoiding accountability. “Tabak was engaging in the usual obfuscation and semantic manipulation that is so frustrating and pointless.”

• The NIH has come under scrutiny for removing gain-of-function research definitions from its website amid debates on its research funding in Wuhan, raising concerns about its transparency and accountability.

• In response to these issues, the US Department of Health and Human Services recently barred the Wuhan Institute from receiving federal grants for ten years and pulled all funding from EcoHealth Alliance for three years.

• EcoHealth Alliance’s president, Dr. Peter Daszak, testified that his organization did not engage in gain-of-function research, contradicting previous statements and evidence.

• In previous communications and hearings, it was revealed that experiments funded by the NIH at the Wuhan lab increased the infectiousness of bat coronaviruses significantly. Tabak revealed that EcoHealth “failed to report” the bat coronaviruses modified with SARS and MERS viruses had been made 10,000 times more infectious, in violation of its NIH grant terms.

• The New York Post reports: “Fauci is scheduled to answer questions about the gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and theories of the origin of the pandemic in a public subcommittee hearing set for June 3.”

Click here to read the full article from The New York Post.

3 thoughts on “Prosecute Fauci —Musk Says

  1. One among the many examples proving how our religious traditions make us vulnerable to, not protect us from totalitarian death cults.

    Western civilization was dominated by theocratic feudalism (an earlier form of Communism) for 18 centuries until America’s Revolution. Until the Revolution, “values” were imposed top-down by the “deer leederz” and their “exspurtz”. We have to grow up from this vulnerability.

    MORALITY IS TEACH YOU, not to suffer and die (as Jesus did) but TO ENJOY YOURSELF AND LIVE. The Aristotelean morality of rational egoism in a single line. Not written in any biblical scripture but WAS (past tense emphasized) a major influence to the whole of Western Christendom.

    Those of you who believe there is a more real reality than the actual one we exist in, make yourselves vulnerable to abuse and manipulation towards a disvalues orientation (power-lust and death-wish such as that of Islamic savages and their Christian equivalents).

    Collectivism is the denial of the Law of Identity. An Aristotelean concept that establishes physical reality (vs an imaginary Utopia), as the objective absolute from which to test the validity of any intellectual concept, including the intellectual concept of morality.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. While I agree that Fauci should be prosecuted, I think it that Musk too needs to be prosecuted for promoting the Tesla crap and Solar (Green Crap) and being funded by the CIA. Don’t like either of them.

    Liked by 2 people

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