WATCH: Entire Ontario community walks Jewish child to school after he was beaten by anti-Israel mob

WATCH: Entire community walks Jewish child to school after he was beaten by anti-Israel mob

WATCH: Entire community walks Jewish child to school after he was beaten by anti-Israel mobWestern Standard Canva

Jen Hodgson

Jen Hodgson

Published on: 

17 May 2024, 11:04 am

  • Members of a Toronto, ON, community where a young boy was threatened and attacked by his anti-Israel schoolmates have banded together to walk the child to school safely. 

A poster circulated on social media states the “young Jewish boy” was “repeatedly attacked” by a group of other children that go to the school in the area of Laurelcrest Ave. and Faywood Blvd. 

The boy allegedly has faced “frequent death threats” from the terrorist-influenced school bullies, who claimed they would “do to him what Hamas did to Israel. 

The bullies reportedly threw rocks at the boy while he was on his way to school.

Community members organized an “urgent community support walk” Friday in solidarity with the young Jewish child. 

Video footage shows about 150 people showed up for the walk. 

“Our community must act,” the poster states. 

“If the school can’t keep our kids safe, we will.”

Organizers emphasized the walk is not a protest, and people should not bring flags or megaphones. 

“This is about our children’s safety,” the poster states.

This comes mere weeks after a 14-year-old Jewish girl, Shaked Tsurkan, in Fredericton, NB, was tackled to the ground and pummelled on school grounds in a “vicious physical assault” by what appeared to be a Muslim student on April 30, according to B’nai Brith Canada.

Source: Western Standard

12 thoughts on “WATCH: Entire Ontario community walks Jewish child to school after he was beaten by anti-Israel mob

  1. 14,000 Palestinian children have been slaughtered with thousands more unnacounted for and dead under the US/Israeli bombing rubble.

    When the so-called leaders and clueless citizens cheerlead ethnic cleansing to continue on for seven months in the most grotesque manner there is going to be opposition to the Jewish state and unfortunately,Jewish people.

    Time for the clueless normies to take some responsibility for their actions in supporting mass this mass slaughter.


  2. Speaking of real terrorists destroying the lives of children / women / families this comes in from Gaza this morning courtesy of megatron_ron on telegram:

    BREAKING: The Israeli army is dropping leaflets on Gaza featuring pictures of dozens of Palestinians whom they claim are affiliated with Hamas.

    Among these pictures are images of young Palestinian children, who are being blackmailed and threatened with death if they do not come forward to provide intelligence to Israel.


    • Señor/Señora/Señorita, or whatever you identify as, it would appear you are still extremely concerned, as we all should be, regarding the Israeli/Hamas war.

      However, I believe your post ignores the fact that the Hamas terrorists started this war and that the vast majority of Palestinians still support these terrorists. Consequently, Palestinians, in the main, are not innocent civilians caught up in the brutality of war which they started or still support.

      It appears too many people are unwilling to address the real world issues of a war, especially one that was started by Hamas terrorists—who are still supported by the vast majority of Palestinians.

      Consequently, the predictable outcome of people being killed, in a war, is the reality and should be no surprise to anyone. It is a brutal war—as are all wars. Whether one agrees with how the Israeli/Palestinian war is conducted, by all sides, is moot, certainly as to it relates to it being “fair.” It isn’t fair nor indicative of a civilized people, that being said, what war is civilized and fair!!!

      As well, people dredging up old, presumably supportive history for their Palestinian support, as inaccurate or irrelevant as it may be, to the present Israeli/Palestinian War, doesn’t provide an iota of anything to solve what has, obviously, become a decades old intractable Israeli/Palestinian problem.

      If one’s stated position is, paraphrased—as the Hamas Charter indicates—, “I’m going to, or support those who want to, kill you, your family, your friends and take your country, and support killing everyone of your “kind” on the planet—one can accurately surmise that this is an untenable position from which to expect the “enemy” to acquiesce. 

      Ironically and unbelievably, immediately thereafter, for the Hamas terrorists and Palestinian combatants to demand, “you must be nice to me and you must take every measure to protect me,” yes, one can see the absurdity of this demand.

      Might I, once again, extend this olive branch, it would be extremely beneficial for all people, especially the War combatants, if you would give us your “detailed, realistic, practical and workable” plan to solve this War. 

      Whilst you are formulating such a “detailed, realistic, practical and workable” plan, or maybe you already have it formulated and it is on the shelf awaiting its implementation; I guarantee that you will garner more support for the plan—by being diplomatic and respectful to Señor Peckford and others with whom you correspond on this Blog. 

      Food for thought.

      Liked by 2 people

      • WAR IS HELL and war is ended by defeating the enemy who exists upon a covenant that calls for your destruction. The Jews were far too tolerant and enabled fanatical slave regimes to embezzle billions in “foreign aid” to build a terror state and followed through with actual deeds.

        Disproportionate force, if available, is the most ethical way to end the war. All collateral damage—including deaths of innocents—resulting from Israel’s use of retaliatory force is exclusively the responsibility of those who initiated force and thus necessitated retaliatory force. All of it can be stopped by returning remains of hostages and surrendering.

        The greatest beneficiaries of the total defeat and surrender of Hamas would be the civilians of Gaza, even if they don’t realize it. The same was true for the civilians of Germany and Japan.


      • There are tens of thousands of dead men,women and children in Gaza and nobody on this planet except Zionists and those that believe in IDF/Mossad B.S. support Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and destruction of Gaza/the West Bank.

        The solution has been outright ignored by Israel,the U.S. and Britain-for the entirety of the longevity of the state of Israel.

        The Israelis assassinated the U.N. envoy that formulated the solution that the U.N. recognised.

        You don’t understand or acknowledge the solutions will always be ignored by Israel ,Burton so don’t waste my time until you educate yourself.


      • What’s obvious is you are a Jew hater desperate to rationalize your inhumanity.

        Hamas took billions of dollars in development aid, from the ‘international community’ pocketing much of it and used it to build a terrorist state, and educated the children in hatred towards Israel and Jews. Its cowardice to evade the reality you have been used by Islamic oligarchs.

        You are to to kiss all the Islamic oligarch butt you want, but you won’t be free to consider yourself as worthy of any respect. Shame, shame, shame upon the rampant moral cowardice!


      • NextyearinEastJerusalem,

        Sadly, you still have not provided your detailed, realistic, practical, workable peace plan. Why not?

        However and disappointing, you continue to espouse your selective outrage but appear not to have, or at least at this juncture have not shared such, any practical solutions, why?

        in order to ensure a proper response to your retort, I have elected to address it in its entirety.

        Your words: There are tens of thousands of dead men, women and children in Gaza and nobody on this planet except Zionists and those that believe in IDF/Mossad B.S. support Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and destruction of Gaza/the West Bank.

        My Observation: Sadly, your response appears to be exceptionally emotional, inaccurate, misleading and embodies tremendous selective outrage. Might I suggest the credibility of your response would be enhanced if the tendency to exaggerate and mislead were not present. That is, more facts, and less selective outrage would greatly increase the probability of it being taken serious.

        You seem to show no concern and ignore that 1200 plus “innocent” Israelis were slaughtered by the very people who are caught up in the brutality of a war.

        Also, are you as selectively outraged regarding the millions of innocent children, women and men slaughtered in (i.e. Sudan, Eritrea, Congo, Rwanda, Ethiopia, etc.)—are the lives of these innocent African children, women and men of less value?

        Your use of the term “ethnic cleansing” is an inaccurate and exaggerated description of the warring conflict and meant, it appears, to inflame versus inform. Consequently, one is immediately thereafter suspect of your entire response and its credibility.

        My suggestion, if you want to be taken serious, and you should, you must stop with the virtue signalling and mischaracterization of the motivations behind the War, and acknowledge there is a War occurring that was started by those you now seek to insulate from this reality.

        Your words: The solution has been outright ignored by Israel, the U.S. and Britain-for the entirety of the longevity of the state of Israel.

        My observation: This is absolute bovine excrement, there has been numerous attempts to develop a solution and every solution, to my knowledge, was reject by the Palestinian authorities and one can assume supported by its peoples.

        And to be clear, what was the specific, detailed, realistic, practical, workable “solution” that was ignored by Israel, the USA and Britain?

        Your words: The Israelis assassinated the U.N. envoy that formulated the solution that the U.N. recognised.

        My observation: Again, if accurate, what relevance does this have to a terrorist attack, by Palestinians, that occurred on October 7, 2023?

        This reference is merely a deflection from the reality on the ground today—lets not go down the various rabbit holes of the past—we are living in a 2023-2024 War and dredging up irrelevant historical matters, accurate or inaccurate as they may be, is not helpful to finding a lasting solution.

        Your words: You don’t understand or acknowledge the solutions will always be ignored by Israel ,Burton so don’t waste my time until you educate yourself.

        My observation: You are inserting a high degree of modesty that has not been earned!! You, it appears, are conveniently ignoring the numerous times that a “solution” was on the table, acceptable to Israel and reject by Palestinians and their leaders. Why?

        I’m not inclined to comment on the wastage of your time nor your level of education, relative to the present Israeli/Palestinian War and historical conflict. I believe it is apparent your selective outrage and words are sufficient to convict you in this regard.

        That being said, for the fourth or fifth time, I once again ask you to provide your detailed, realistic, practical, workable plan for the cessation of this War and achieving a lasting peace.

        Appreciate your compassion for the Palestinians (sad you don’t have the same level of compassion for the innocent African, and Jewish children, women and men in Israel and around the world) and await your peace plan!!

        As always, thanks for your adherence to the four (4) core principles of diplomacy, that is, negotiation, communication, building relationships, and promoting interests.

        Food for thought.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. The climate cult is essentially no different from the totalitarian Islamic cults who exist upon a covenant to exterminate the Jews. The Jews being highly industrious, innovative, and successful enrages the totalitarians who resent having to witness their irrational form of existence.

    Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, while Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties using them as a propaganda tool. Propaganda very effective upon very many so called ‘Canadians’ and other pacifist Utopians who’d willingly extend their own necks and that of their own children in the face of terror.


  4. What parent in their right mind would send their child into such a violent environment? Yes, the public school system is a violent and sexually perverse place to be sending our vulnerable children and youth into.

    For crying out loud, please keep your children as far away from these institutions as possible.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Absolutely, public school is definitely not what it was when I personally attended. Used to be educational, now it feels like the instructors have only the pushing of their skewed agenda on unsuspecting new minds in their students.

      We also had discipline, yard sticks, leather straps and detention for those that decided to disrespect their fellow classmates and or teachers. My daughter works in the public school system and it is basically an unruly jungle currently. Some of the horror stories, I cringe at the thought of my grandchildren attending public school.

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