Tiny Napoleon , Macron , Is Running Scared —About Time !

The progressives and others of like mind in Europe are beginning to see their false deception of the conservative movement fall apart .

If you believe in family, two genders, wise immigration that means the country’s traditions must be respected, small government, individual rights , sovereignty, and paying your way, you are some how ‘far right. ‘

That far right label has succeeded so far—but as the Dutch have proved through Geert Wilders the day of reckoning is coming. 

Our own law breaking PM and the blowing in the wind , leader of the opposition , Poilievre, attacked Christine Anderson when she visited Canada recently. That’s how out of touch Canada is. 

We are well on the road to where western Europe is , so hopefully the Europeans can teach us some lessons before it is too late. 

So little Napoleon calls a snap election to try and hold on to his parliamentary majority during his last two years. 

Let’s hope he meets his parliamentary Waterloo!

14 thoughts on “Tiny Napoleon , Macron , Is Running Scared —About Time !

  1. Macron, like Trudeau, is a vacuous elitist tyrant that was groomed by the WEF school for young world leaders, where they both became favorite pets of Klaus Schwab. These Globalist leaders have nothing but contempt for their own citizens, and are loyal only to the tenets of the Great Reset, which include, among many.other things, the mass depopulation of the planet.

    They need to be prosecuted for being traitors to their countries, and punished for their crimes against humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I sourced four Israeli Knesset members that are WEF members,including Netanyahu.

      Israeli corporations and Israelis such as Bourla and Harari feature prominently.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your fixation on Jews is unhealthy, most likely pathological. However, it is understandable for people with low self esteem to have a demented form of “sibling rivalry” with GOD’s Chosen People. Even most Jews don’t understand their relationship with GOD. The question they should be asking is, “chosen for what?” Chosen to be slaves, to be consistently thrown out of their homes and countries, murdered is inquisitions, pogroms, holocausts, universally hated, betrayed, used as scapegoats, despised and envied for their successes, unequally harshly judged for their failures?

        Jews are a chosen mirror reflecting both the best and worst of humanity’s potential; a mirror in which all of humanity sees itself clearly and either loves or hates what it reveals.

        Projection and sublimation are egocentric tools of deflection, denial, and cowardice, utilized by those too afraid to look inward and see an ugly reflection of themselves.

        Essentially, at their very core, all Jew haters are envious cowards.

        Seek spiritual help, build a solid self-esteem by looking inward, being brutally honest with yourself, finding self-forgiveness and self-love, and becoming a mensch. Remove Darkness from your heart and only strive to move upward towards the Light. Leave it to GOD to judge and reward or punish the Jews (and everyone else) just as He has always done since the Beginning. 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

      • Every time the Israelis imprison ten thousand plus Palestinians, steal more Palestinian land and slaughter 50,000 of their neighbours , blaming everybody else is the traditional and predictable pattern we’ve seen for the last 100 years.


  2. Speaking of Crimes against Humanity ,the latest,grotesque slaughter in Gaza features yet more prominent WEF members and attendees:

    -Joseph R. Biden Jr

    President of the United States of America, Office of the President of the United States

    -Jake Sullivan

    US National Security Advisor, National Security Council (NSC)

    -Conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken

    Speaker: Antony Blinken April 29, 2024


  3. Turdeau is doubling down on his total destruction of Canada, its people and its economy. He is a traitorous, treacherous incompetent WEF trained fool the same as Macron. Macron looks as though he is relenting but one must be careful with these treacherous treasonous bastards. This may also be some premeditated play by his globalist puppet masters. I believe personally that Poilievre is a semi silent WEF player as well. The common, two gender, working, family man is not permitted to take part in the theatrics as he and or she, are too patriotic and nationalistic for this den of globalist thieves that are financing the attempted take over with our tax dollars. All laundered through campaigns such as the war in Ukraine and Climate change.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The idea that “the ideal is to form one unit with all goods in common” is very ancient and dates back to the first known civilizations.

    The idea that the Rights respecting individual as the sovereign who has Rights (including property rights) is actually very recent, and is actually a (classical) Liberal idea.

    Societal change for the better has to be from the bottom up, not from the top-down. The world is full of “know it allz” who want to impose their vision of order upon the people.

    The Macron’s, the Trudeau’s, and others of their ilk are mere by products of cultures that have been indoctrinated into and then adopted the very ancient ideas.

    Peaceful revolution is preferred, but revolution their ought to be to restore something more equivalent to the classical Liberal idea outlined.


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