The Trudeau government is driving Canada’s farmers into the ditch to avoid 0.00002 ℃ / year of global warming

Fabiano Micoli


 June 11, 2024  email sharing button

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People are like the meteor that wiped out dinosaurs according to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in a speech in New York on June 5, World Environment Day. These words have been taken from the text of his speech:

In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs. We are the meteor. We are not only in danger. We are the danger.

This viewpoint is even more intense than his statement from last summer: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”  He has been consistent in his prediction of imminent climate catastrophe, and that consistency is based on his belief that the IPCC’s Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis is 100% correct. However, a review of that document revealed some significant flaws that suggest that it might not be as reliable as he believes.

Given Mr Guterres’s importance and profile, it is not too surprising then that farmers have been made to feel as if they are contributing to a climate disaster, since they feed people who are “the meteor”. The US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, another influential official, unsurprisingly sees the issue in the same way

Farmers in Canada and elsewhere are under pressure from campaigns for Net Zero. The government of Canada is aiming to achieve Net Zero by 2050, but there are intermediate targets for 2030. This program is effectively a declaration of war on carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).

The IPCC’s Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis (p.41) states:

It is unequivocal that the increase of CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the atmosphere over the industrial era is the result of human activities and that human influence is the main driver of many changes observed across the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere.

The IPCC’s view is the justification for campaigns for Net Zero around the world.

Shortly after returning from UAE COP28 in November last year, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeaut, announced a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Offset Credit System. The government wants farmers to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions, as well as CO2. So far, this has been voluntary, but it could change, especially since the Auditor General reported last year that: “The federal government is not on track to meet the 2030 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below the 2005 level by 2030.”

However, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are inextricably linked to Canada’s farming sector. Making those reductions compulsory will increase pressure on farmers, many of whom are already struggling with higher-than-average rates of mental health issues. It will change their lives and lifestyle for ever.

You are entitled to think that such sweeping policies are responses to imminent threats. But you would be mistaken.

First, Canada produces only 1.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.  Second, Canadian agriculture accounts for 10% of all Canadian greenhouse gas emissions (2/3 of them are methane and 1/3 nitrous oxide). In other words, Canada’s agricultural sector produces a mere 0.15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That tiny figure raises questions about the government’s motivations.

Let’s take a closer look at how nitrous oxide and methane affect global air temperature. This approach is taken since The Paris Agreement goal is to limit temperature increase to 2℃ (1.5℃ ideally) relative to 1850-1990.

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

The concentration of N2O in our atmosphere is about 338 parts per billion. In other words, in one billion air molecules, you will find 338 molecules of N2O.

Nitrous oxide is produced and released into the atmosphere when fertilizer is spread onto the ground, typically by grain and vegetable farmers. (For a detailed scientific explanation of how nitrous oxide is made, please consult this 2022 article by four eminent climate scientists,  “Nitrous Oxide and Climate”.

Fertilizer can increase crop yields easily from 30% to 50%, and even up to 60%, which is obviously significant.

According to a  Fertilizer Canada 2021 press release, “Cutting fertilizer use to reduce on-farm emissions could cost growers nearly C$48 billion over the next eight years.” More troubling, the global war on nitrous oxide threatens the global food supply.

Not all climate scientists support the IPCC’s hostility towards nitrous oxide.

Nitrous Oxide and Climate provides us with an exhaustive and precise look at the role of nitrogen in climate. Here are some key points:

  • One additional molecule N2O of the GHG nitrous oxide raises the temperature about 233 times more than one additional CO2 molecule;
  • The concentration of CO2 is increasing about 3,100 times faster than that of N2O;
  • Therefore, the global emission of N2O warms the planet at about 1/13 the contribution of CO2, 0.064℃/century or 0.00064℃/year.

Canada contributes about 1.4% of global N2O emissions. Therefore, Canada’s N2O produces 0.000009℃/year of global warming (0.00064 x .014 ≃ 0.000009). Please stop and look at that number for a few seconds. It’s so small that it’s meaningless, and yet we are told repeatedly by the media that nitrous oxide emissions are dangerously raising global temperature or threaten to raise global temperature. For economic reasons and because they are good stewards of their land, farmers do their best to ensure that fertilizer is absorbed by plants and not converted into nitrous oxide, etc. It’s called 4Rs: the right source, the right amount, the right time, and the right place.

Methane (CH4)

The current concentration of methane in our atmosphere is about 1931 parts per billion.

You can easily find articles claiming that methane is a threat to our climate. King Charles III is convinced; he backed an entrepreneur with a ₤50,000 prize to further develop a mask for cows that captures methane from their burps. Bizarre? I’ll leave it up to you.

Is methane so great a threat to our climate that we need to put masks on cows?

Once again, “Nitrous Oxide and Climate suggests otherwise. Here are some key points:

  • One additional molecule of CH4 raises the temperature about 31 times more than one additional CO2molecule;
  • The concentration of CO2 is increasing about 300 times faster than that of CH4;
  • Therefore, CH4 warms the planet at 1/10 the contribution of CO2.

Therefore, Canada’s methane contributes about 0.000009 ℃/ year to global warming. (Relative forcing of CH4/N2O = 8.3/6.2=1.29, see table 4 here; Canada contributes 1.1% of global CH4; 0.00064 x 1.29 x .011 ≃ 0.000009)

So, do cows need masks? Of course not!

Therefore, Canada’s ag sector contributes about 0.00002℃/year to global warming (0.000009 x 2 ≃ 0.00002). Once again, please take a few seconds to see how small that figure is.    

However, World Economic Forum member Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his zealous Minister of Environment and Climate Change are determined to drive the nation’s agriculture sector into the ditch with Net Zero to avoid 0.00002℃/year of warming. They either don’t understand these facts, or if they do, they are pursuing Net Zero for other reasons. You be the judge of that.

Source:Mercator website

16 thoughts on “The Trudeau government is driving Canada’s farmers into the ditch to avoid 0.00002 ℃ / year of global warming

  1. The climate cult is unprincipled. Facts, math, Laws of Thermodynamic’s, etc are all an irrelevance. All that matters is the consensus. It’s as though they acquire a comfort blanket dumbing themselves down outsourcing their thinking to a group-think.

    Consensus group-thinkers are no better than medieval religious theocrats who BEELIEVED knowledge was acquired by faith in a mystical dear leader. Consensus science is a modernized version of medieval religious theocracy (= early Communism).

    They would not be attempting to censor the internet if people like us we’re not raising awareness and causing a lack of conformity. We all have to fight this purposeful stupidity and willing sheeplehood.

    Until the concept of “GHG”is eliminated or rendered irrelevant, it’ll be impossible to have any rational discussion about any kind of pollution or other problems. The GHG “theory” is a mind destroying dogma. First things first.

    People of consensus embrace a logical fallacy as their theory of knowledge. They treat group opinion as the determinant of truth. In doing so, they foster 2nd-handedness as their basic disposition: They look to the group to see what they should think, believe, say, and do. And, having done that, they engage in compound second-handedness—seeking your faked agreement with their pretence that social consensus is the source of truth—in order to assuage their guilt for failing to look at reality, use their minds, and think for themselves.

    The scientific method is and has always been about establishing a valid correspondence with physical reality (our objective absolute). Not peer review, not consensus, nor any other kind of group-think. Group-think dumbs everybody down.

    THE MORAL COWARDICE OF GROUP-THINK. You can choose to not let it dumb you down.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gillesnfio,

      Might I suggest you have provided a brilliant summation of the consensus fallacy versus the scientific method.

      More specifically, your words state,

      “People of consensus embrace a logical fallacy as their theory of knowledge. They treat group opinion as the determinant of truth. In doing so, they foster 2nd-handedness as their basic disposition:

      They look to the group to see what they should think, believe, say, and do. And, having done that, they engage in compound second-handedness—seeking your faked agreement with their pretence that social consensus is the source of truth—in order to assuage their guilt for failing to look at reality, use their minds, and think for themselves.”

      Your observation is, indeed, from my vantage point, indicative of a growing societal tendency to embrace a social contagion “consensus opinion” versus solid science based on the scientific method!!

      By way of this response, may I ask you, and others for that matter, to contemplate why a vast number of people, especially in Western Civilization, have been “moved” into the “consensus versus scientific method realm,” especially so in the last forty (40) years.

      I proposed such contemplation root causation because it is, imho, the root of virtually every mistaken path upon which the consensus disciples were/still are “propagandized, moulded, and manipulated into being unwilling to seek truth but rather to embrace groupthink”!!!

      Again, thanks and congratulations on your very astute observation re the consensus “pandemic” that has infected Western Civilization!!

      Food for thought.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Epistemology is a term we all need to practice into our vocabulary. The theory and practice of knowledge. A branch of philosophy that precedes and serves as a vital premise to Ethics (morality), what we ought choose to do.

        Knowledge is power. We subconsciously know that knowledge is power because we are motivated into sharing facts and ideas with one another as this empowers us all.

        Western civilization was dominated by an epistemology of faith (medieval theocratic feudalism) until America’s Revolution where an epistemology of Reason took hold for awhile. Those among us who continue to desire power over other people resorted to radicalizing the epistemology of faith, into an epistemology of group-think (knowledge by a show of hands).

        The epistemology of consensus (group-think) is a vulnerability we all have. A vulnerability that manifested itself upon an advanced German culture, and continues to infect advanced cultures of today.

        Be encouraged to read this essay about Reason vs Mysticism where this is all fleshed out in more detail.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Gillesnfio,

    Your “epistemological” response warrants a modicum of deliberation but it doesn’t get to the root of why today’s Western Civilization is fraught with consensus and groupthink.

    Methinks that the influence of religion in Western Civilization has certainly decreased in the last 50 years—so religion cannot be the causation of this momentum, yet we see consensus and groupthink becoming the “preferred” tool to convey “knowledge”.

    The question for you is: “What major institutional changes in Western Civilization, in the last fifty (50) years, has been rabid like in behaviour and the consequent proponents, facilitators, and champions of this rush into the blackened and very opaque abyss of consensus versus the scientific method”!!

    In essence, what essential institutional tool in Western Civilization is no longer primarily concerned with the conveyance of knowledge and education but has become increasingly politicized—the very opposite of what they have sworn not to become!!!

    Food for thought.


    • There is very little to distinguish between an epistemology (method of knowledge) of faith and one of group-think. The method of group-think is merely a modernized version of self stultification.

      Trust in the commands of dear leader or trust the commands of the consensus. BEEELIEVE and do not think for yourself. OBEY or else you’re a heretic denier.

      For 18 centuries, Western civilization was dominated by theocratic feudalism, an earlier form of Communism empowered by an epistemology of faith.

      There’s indeed universal principles of truth (epistemology) and morality (ethics), but our ancient religious traditions in fundamentalist form (what’s actually written in scripture) deliver a vulnerability to mysticism and human sacrifice in contrast principles of reason and human flourishing.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Cell phones, internet and big tech have certainly accelerated the group think brainwash the sheeple are experiencing. Most people, without questioning, believe what they are fed via Facebook, X, Instagram, youtube and so on. It is disturbing how advance humans have become and still let themselves be manipulated by group think and the mob mentality. Years of indoctrination through public and university training. Do as you are told without question and fear the consequences always.

      Liked by 1 person

      • What you say has an element of truth, but the converse is also true. Social media enables us to destroy the narrative of apocalyptic mystics, and thus promote the much needed disobedience.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Gillesnfio,

        Please think about this reality, the root of the increasing propensity of our society to slide into the abyss of ignorance, intolerance, groupthink and lack of respect for the truth is rooted in our Education System. 

        One  would and should expect such to be exactly the opposite. Sadly, the downward education slide started approximately 40 years ago and has intensified over this ensuing timeframe. A great portion of what we now call education consist of a monolith of radical political activists. I quote below, from John M. Ellis in his book titled, The Breakdown Of Higher Education (an excellent read regarding the failing Education System), 

        “What have we found? Solid evidence that most students after four years on a college campus show no improvement either in ability to reason or in general knowledge; college faculties now virtually cleansed of all but left-leaning professors, and with the controlling faction being radical political activists who have neither the wish nor the ability to be genuinely academic thinkers and teachers; classrooms everywhere used for preaching the ideology of those political activists, not to teach students how to think for themselves—minds manipulated instead of minds opened; a campus atmosphere where a vicious intolerance for right-of-center opinion makes serious discussion of the issues of the day impossible; an extreme, destructive version of identity politics entrenched both in the faculty and in aggressive politicized bureaucracies; a climate of fear with respect to matters of political or social ideology throughout the campus; major damage to the prospects of upward mobility for minorities; a virtual end to teaching of the U.S. Constitution, and U.S. history no longer taught in a balanced and intelligent way but instead used to further the radicals’ war against their own society.”

        The Education System is no longer focused on its primary mandate, that is, the education of our children but, rather, on the politicization of our young children (K-12) and additionally, for many young adults, at least 2-8 years in a university or college environment, where they are now being indoctrinated, propagandized, taught to be intolerant, to view themselves as victims and to disrespect the society from whence they came.

        Note: the radical college/university professors are the ones “training” our K-12 teachers—pray-tell, what could go wrong within this “closed” indoctrination and propaganda machine!!

        So, if a person spends between 12-20 years, most of those years being formative years, being fed a diet of mistruths, half-truths, downright lies, and such is politically motivated—-can one really realistically expect a massive change, that is, a reversal in a society, based on an ability to think independently and rationally, that has been suppressed for virtually all of the individual’s formative years!!!

        If one wants to see, imho, the root causation of the “slide into the abyss”; one need not look to religion nor search the epistemological records—look to the ongoing Education System failures and the revelations announce themselves!!

        Food for thought.

        Liked by 4 people

      • A total overhaul of Canadian educational system is definitely required going forward in my humble opinion.


  3. Justin Trudeau’s agenda is not to save the planet. That is all a smoke screen. His agenda is ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Making each and everyone of us surfs.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. The Trudeau government cannot avoid global warming, it is a consequence of solar cycles and planetary orbital mechanics.

    I am very disappointed with this article which adopts the (mistaken) assumption that CO2 increase causes planetary warming- in fact the warming causes the increase in CO2, which is released from the ocean. The other nonsense about methane and NO2 just compounds the idiocy. The hockey stick model has been to court in the USA, resulting in a fine against Mark Steyn for making Michael Mann, the inventor, feel bad!

    There was a nice article on Eugyppius’ Substack this morning about the German arrangement to produce carbon credits in China. A must read!

    Liked by 3 people

    • A natural planetary cycle which would never have total observation by a human being as our life spans have been decreased to the point that we no longer live long enough to experience and document a full cycle.

      Palm trees and other tropical fauna in the fossil record found in some of the coldest areas of the world for example. There is nothing new under the sun.

      Liked by 3 people

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