Did You Know -In 2020 In US , 72 Senators( out of 100) and 302 ( out of 435)  House of Representatives Cashed A Campaign Cheque From A Pharma Company???

So How can one expect independent laws regarding Pharmaceutical Companies ?

Yes , we are all in this together alright!!!

Source: ‘The New Abnormal—The Rise Of The Biomedical Security Sate —By Aaron Kheriaty M.D. Page  121–As quoted from Journalist Rebecca Strong “ Putting Big Pharma Back On Trial in the Covid -19 Era”-Medium , February 16, 2021.

12 thoughts on “Did You Know -In 2020 In US , 72 Senators( out of 100) and 302 ( out of 435)  House of Representatives Cashed A Campaign Cheque From A Pharma Company???

  1. Did each of the 72 senators and each member of the House of Representatives receive a cheque made out to them individually or was a cheque sent out to them as a group from the pharmaceutical company?


  2. At open secrets /pro-Israeli recipients you can source the US senators that have been paid/bought off – 280 of them.

    Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024

    The question remains: Is there a U.S. Senator that hasn’t been bought off by the Jewish lobbies for Israel?


    • I’m not sure that there are any politicians, currently, that have not been bought and paid for in some sense. They all seem to be beholden to other than the people they are supposed to represent.

      Liked by 1 person

      • that’s what happens when all the elites are told well ahead of time by Dr. Fauci to invest in big pharma if they want to get richer. Because he knew what was going to happen. Not a lab leak, but a release. On purpose!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. The motive to regulate industry is what breeds fascism. When left to themselves, corporations are busy competing among themselves to win willing customers to serve, to win capital of willing investors, and to retain skilled staff willing to work for the conditions being offered.

    Regulation of the pharma or any other industry is the opposite of what needs to happen to make this world a better place.

    Big Corp loves big govt. This way they can acquire preferential regulations and protection from liability. GOVT OUGHT BECOME SEPARATED FROM THE ECONOMY in the same way it is separated from the church. Voluntary taxation only for successfully protecting Individual Rights.

    GOVT OUGHT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ECONOMY and Constitutionally restricted to protecting Individual Rights (what a Constitution is for).

    POLITICAL POWER VS ECONOMIC POWER. Practice making the distinction. It’s not very difficult. Both must become separated by explicit Constitutional law and such an Amendment requires a huge public consensus.

    POLITICAL: Government is a legal monopoly upon the use of physical force. Physical force is required to extract violence and liability from society (protection of Individual Rights).

    ECONOMIC: The ability to create, produce, and deliver values that people need and want under voluntary, and thus mutually beneficial terms.

    The difference between political power and any other kind of social “power,” between a government and any private organization, is the fact that a government holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force.

    Liked by 1 person

      • no politician should be allowed this type of conflict of interest investment especially when they plan to mandate the jab to the public. Not to mention, no Canadian politician should be allowed to be a member of the WEF or the WHO. they are in no way democratic.


      • Question is will there ever be any kind of accountability. They have taken 13 million lives with their death shots. That is only the reported, not covered up deaths. Consider all of the lives corrupted and ruined, people who are now dependent on big pharma for medications to bring some sort of normalcy back to their lives. Not to mention the people living with untreatable neurological issues from these myelin sheath destroying lipid nano particles.


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