Did You Know That The US Government Gave 1 Billion Dollars 

To The Media to advertise the covid vaccines .

Hundreds of local newspapers and local TV stations benefited.

And the N Y Post, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, MSNBC , Newsmax  and BuzzFeed.

This is the power of the Administrative State and unless the people change out political structure meaning they change our political culture little of substance will change. Electing the same people and expecting different results as we see does not work. 

Source: Book : The New Abnormal—Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

2 thoughts on “Did You Know That The US Government Gave 1 Billion Dollars 

  1. Bought and paid for Scamdemic cover up and climate narrative. Follow the hoaky science sheep, look over here so you don’t see what we are actually up to

    Liked by 2 people

  2. this is absolutely shameful. These people have all committed crimes against humanity and need to pay for it! This is unforgivable and they have to be held accountable. All who profited by this atrocious act wanted to cull as many people as they could. Euthanize all these shit heads and most of the world’s problems would be over. Period!

    Liked by 1 person

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