And More Response To My Speech By RJTMD

Mr. Peckford today went over the history of Plato, Alexander, Aristotle, Anthony Trollope and Socrates, and Cicero in his talk at the WeUnify Conference.

He reminded us of the history of Canadian attempts to protect freedom extending back to the 1750’s and the era and polities before Confederation, as well as the circumstances at the time of the repatriation and development of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Mr. Peckford, among other speakers (Pastor Artur Pawlowski was notable) reminded us of the perfidy of past and present political “leaders”, from Lester Pearson to Justin (no-brainer) Trudeau, but also Steven Harper and Pierre Poilievre. Watch what they do, not what they say. I didn’t even need to mention WEF minion Jagmeet Singh, did I, nor did Mr. Peckford, as there was limited time.

One thought on “And More Response To My Speech By RJTMD

  1. Jagmeet ha ha ha. Once you see these infiltrators for what they are, you just can not unsee it. They are absolutely despicable individuals. Treacherous and treasonous.

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