More Readers Respond To My Speech

Here is reader gillesnfio —-

COLLECTIVISM is the subjugation of the individual to a group—whether to a religious faith, race, class, state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called “the common good” (e.g. climate change).

INDIVIDUALISM promotes self sufficiency, creativity and invention. Creating a sense of pride in ones self and their accomplishments. Creating a community of thought sharing, problem solving and creation, compassion and over all betterment of society. Society is comprised of Individuals, each a real, living, breathing individual human being, with real values, goals, dreams, and loved ones.

The purpose of a Constitution is to define the sovereign unit of value in this real world, and to define the role of govt in service to this unit of value (the individual with inalienable Rights). 

ETHICS IS THE PREMISE OF ALL POLITICS. Ask yourself, what is ethical? Human sacrifice or human flourishing? It’s a matter of choice, only we have ancient traditions that lure people into the atrocious choice of human sacrifice as the practice of goodness itself (the anti-morality of altruism).

One thought on “More Readers Respond To My Speech

  1. Couldn’t agree more. Where has the integrity gone?? I personally do not see any politician currently that I would vote for. Possibly Bernier and the peoples party. Which could also be part of the elaborate ruse.


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