More Response To My Speech—Marty Up North

Martyupnorth®- Unacceptable Fact Checker

Brian Peckford sought me out at the conference, and we had lunch together. I coud listen to him recount history for days. He was Premier of Newfoundland when the new Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed in 1982. He had a say in it’s definitions, writing, intent and ultimately final approval. He’s the last living person that have actually signed it. Brian believes that the present federal government, under Justin Trudeau, violated our charter rights during COVID. He also believes that some of our freedoms still haven’t been fully restored (attacks on free speech, vaccine mandates in BC, travel restriction, etc). Brian is taking the government to court, but the government is trying to block him. What’s totally ridiculous about this, is that the lawyers will have to debate and try to interpret what the writers of the charter had in mind when they wrote it. Why don’t they just ask Brian? After all, he helped write the charter.


One thought on “More Response To My Speech—Marty Up North

  1. I don’t believe in left-wing right-wing pendulum swings, but there’s indeed a hockey stick of the Enlightenment. The discovery of the Rights respecting productive individual as the sovereign unit of value. In the real world VALUES ARE EVERYTHING!

    The Honourable Premier put the foot in a closing door towards re-Enlightenment.

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