My Avid Blog Reader —gillesninfo



THE PFIZER/WHITE HOUSE FILES, Re: Alex Berenson Releases Explosive Info

Big Corp loves big govt. This way they can acquire preferential regulations and protection from liability. GOVT OUGHT BECOME SEPARATED FROM THE ECONOMY in the same way it is separated from the church, Constitutionally restricted to protecting Individual Rights (what a Constitution is for). The motivation to regulate industry (the mixed economy welfare state) is what motivates fascism.

In a Laissez Faire Capitalist(Rightist) society govt exists to protect Individual Rights. The govt banning of initiatory violence/theft/fraud/liability. The economy is separated from the govt as it is from the church. Govt funded voluntarily by successfully delivering its purpose

The motive to regulate industry is what breeds fascism. When left to themselves, corporations are busy competing among themselves to win willing customers to serve, to win capital of willing investors, and to retain skilled staff willing to work for the conditions being offered.

THE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL LAW IN HUMAN HISTORY. It is this law that “progressives” (regressives in reality) are aiming to cancel by any means and precedent possible (i.e. imposing LGBTQism, Covidism, Climatism, and other SOCIALIST RELIGIOUS DOGMA that must be obeyed).

AMERICA’S FIRST AMENDMENT is the most consequential law in all of human history. A law designed to protect the human mind. The law enabled people of all cultural backgrounds to co-exist peacefully and productively, where these existed in persistent sectarian conflict for millennia before.

Canada’s S2 Charter largely emulates the American 1A.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

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