Increasing The Northern Cod Quota —-Will Newfoundlanders and Labradorians Finally Stand Up And Oppose This Stupidity ?

Leaders and citizens of the Province should remember their ancestors who in 1857 as a colony of Britain forced the British Government to agree that Newfoundland’s  consent was necessary before the Colonial Government enacted changes that would affect the Newfoundland’s fishery. It was called the Labouchere Dispatch .

For the Federal Government to agree to increase the northern cod quota when their own scientists say there has been no growth in the troubled stock since 2016 is an abdication of sound resource policy . 

To think after all the chaos and misery the collapse of this stock has cost the people of the Province that the 6 MP ‘s would associate themselves with this announcement tragically demonstrates  that they have learned nothing from recent history or from the experience of the 1850’s when the colony was fighting for ‘responsible ‘ government in its colonial legislature.   

And as a further act of stupidity and an affront to the inshore fishery , to allocate this increase ( if the union statements are correct) in large part to the offshore fishery and its corporate interests brings back the Title of my first book, ‘The Past In The Present’ given the Labouchere Dispatch was an anomaly and is to be again. 

Where is the Newfoundland Government? Is there still one?

2 thoughts on “Increasing The Northern Cod Quota —-Will Newfoundlanders and Labradorians Finally Stand Up And Oppose This Stupidity ?

  1. Since Israel had vast foreknowledge of Hamas’ plans and decided to stand down allowing them to take those 250 prisoners and the Israelis then killed the vast majority of Israelis on October 7th I find many bigoted Islamophobes to be playing their roles as useful idiots.

    Jerusalem Post

    JUNE 17, 2024 21:16

    A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas’plans to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people weeks before the October 7 massacre.

    The document, which was compiled in the Gaza Division, outlined Hamas’s intentions and was known to top Israeli intelligence officials, according to a report by Kan News.

    The document, titled “Detailed End-to-End Raid Training,” was distributed on September 19, 2023, and described in detail the series of exercises conducted by Hamas’ elite units.

    These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.

    The report by Kan News stated, “Security sources told Kan News that the document was known to the intelligence leadership, at the very least in the Gaza Division.”


  2. Just goes to show the Libtard ” GREEN ” agenda is complete bullshit from top to bottom. Also indicates that corporations are making these decisions and not the government by the people for the people.

    Currently the cod fishery in NFLD is a food fishery. People can fish for a personal quota for their own freezer. This WEF directed federal government wants to eliminate any sort of self sufficiency so that Canadians will be totally dependent upon government handouts. Complete control over the population is how the WEF directive takes over complete control of the planet and its resources.

    Freeland and her non answers on the WEF ” economic meetings ” says a lot. The gaining back of trust and transparency is a ruse to quell the numbers of awakening public to their agenda as Freeland and her WEF minions in reality could care less what we Canadians think. But if too many of us awaken and become one their plan is finished.

    The sooner we have a successful honest farmer or fisherman running this country the better. A leader for the people and not controlled by a foreign entity.

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