University Education Did Not Do Much For America If Trump and Biden Debate Is The Measure 

Witnessing the debate of Trump and Biden one is left with the question: where were they educated??

Trump graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School.

As we witnessed lately some of America’s top universities failed badly in their application of free speech on their campuses. The woke agenda has taken hold .

We now have evidence that decades ago American universities were producing below average leaders. 

Our only hope is that the there are many university graduates who have shunned the greasy pole of America political life and will yet rescue a dying state. 

Of course, looking at what is on offer in my home country Canada there is little difference with those leaders of the US except younger versions of what we see in America: more articulate but just as misguided and incompetent. 

The unelected administrative state runs the show.

4 thoughts on “University Education Did Not Do Much For America If Trump and Biden Debate Is The Measure 

  1. MODERN “EDUKASHUN”. Creating people smart enough to repeat what they have been told and to follow orders and dumb enough to make them think they’re smarter than everybody else.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Responding to the last paragraph… “The unelected administrative state runs the show.”

    Yes, it certainly does, but not just in the USA, and not just federally. It is pervasive from federal, to provincial or state, county, or municipality. The administration runs the whole thing. We have this ignorant perception that elected officials are in charge when nothing, such as this, could be further from reality.

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