The Canadian Judiciary Flunks Again —On the Constitution And The Science 

Is it that hard to read these days beyond what you are fed?  

It seems that way with Canada’s Judiciary.

Take the BC Supreme Court Decision by one Judge Coval of the BC Supreme Court :

Ruling that The Public Health Officer did not violate  any of the provisions the Constitution or contradict Science by maintaining mandates for health care workers .  

First,  the Judge has violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by ignoring consideration of the opening words of the Charter and I quote :

“Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:”

Second , the intent of Section 1 was for it to be used in war , insurrection , the existence of the country was at stake.  There was no such condition prevailing during  the so called ‘covid pandemic.’

So , constitutionally , the Judge continues the assault on the actual words of the Charter by ignoring them and disregarding intent, a commonly used concept in many judicial decisions in Canada and internationally.

Three , The medical literature is full of evidence that  mandates do not work. Dr. Douglas W. Allen of Simon Fraser University in the Province where the Judge resides drew attention to this in his  published report of April 2001 entitled “Covid Lockdown Cost/Benefits: A Critical Assessment of the Literature”. Surely his honour has read this report reviewing 80 International studies highlighting the weak to non existent  evidence of mandates / lockdown effectiveness.  

There is also the work of Japanese  researchers showing a higher incidence of cancer among those vaccinated than was traditionally the case before the covid vaccine was used, 

Was the Judge aware of the work of  Hart Group ( one click away on computer) concerning  cancer and the covid vaccines? There are numerous other reports on the negatives of mandates , lockdowns  and the negative effects of covid vaccines .

Was the Judge aware of the The Great Barrington Declaration and its authors, three of the most esteemed scholars in medical research and the ongoing work of the many authors of the Brownstone Institute . A quick browse of tne  Institute’s web page would cause the judge to legitimately doubt the Government narrative to which he is so solely devoted . 

I also refer the judge to the website by the Panda group.

For brevity, let me just record one more source: Is the Judge aware , he ought to be, of the book ‘Turtles all The Way Down “ , the Science and Myth Of Vaccines ? The book and its 1200  references is trying to be ignored by the authorities but is readily available at Amazon and produces a devastating record of medical incompetence , and wilful ignorance and deliberate deception when it comes to vaccines.  

Before covid , science clearly stated the ineffectiveness of mandates , lockdowns and masks. Something changed in that approach that has never been explained . Why? Because it cannot be explained honestly. 

.So , scientifically, the Judge needs to update his science. 

Sadly, another shining example of the state of our nation . 

10 thoughts on “The Canadian Judiciary Flunks Again —On the Constitution And The Science 

  1. Unfortunately, ignorant and cowardly judges abound in (formerly) Democratic nations, and personal shame and guilt are not effective on brainwashed cultists.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Contrary to the tired bromide, “If there is no God, anything goes,” the fact is: If faith (or consensus group-think) is a means of knowledge, anything goes. Knowledge acquired by consensus group-think or that acquired by religious faith is all that distinguishes the whacky left-wing tribe from the whacky right-wing tribe.

    It is perfectly rational to attempt to associate Universal principles of truth and morality (Epistemology and Ethics respectively) with Politics. These are inseparable in reality. The problem is our ancient traditions about truth and morality disseminate mysticism and human sacrifice. This is why the church has to be kept separated from the state, and likewise needs to be somehow accomplished with the economy. Our means of living as humans needs to be protected by the use of force, not subject to the use of force.

    MORALITY BASED UPON COMMANDMENTS is not objective but subjective; it is based on assertions issued by the alleged ruling consciousness; thus, whatever that consciousness commands—whether to love your neighbour, to beat your wife, to murder unbelievers, to inject yourself and your babies with experimental gene therapy, to kill the Jews—is “moral” simply because he said so. That is the very essence of subjectivity.

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