The World Has Lost It

A. I wake up to read about a Jewish Boy in Ontario being attacked by school mates and saying they will do to him what Hamas did to the Jewish people . 

The community ‘woke up ‘ and walked with the boy to school singing Oh Canada when they arrived at the school.

In New Brunswick a jewish school girl is attacked by her school mates.

B. The University of Toronto , that once bastion of higher learning , is thinking of setting up a Palestinian Institute. If this materializes , I speculate, soon to become a Palestinian mini state.  

C. BBC tries to deny what city is the capital of Israel but finally has to apologize for their propaganda.

D. Bill 63 in the Canadian Parliament seeks to control us through the internet. And the country yawns.

E. There is a story of Shoppers Drug Mark seeking volunteers to ‘work’ for them . In 2023 the company reported revenue of $17.2 billion dollars.

F. Justin Trudeau , the lawbreaker , is still the PM because the 

  MP’s in Ottawa will not ensure that if one of them breaks the law they will not qualify to be an MP. 

G. I write The Leader of The Opposition in Ottawa, No answer. 

H. I write  the Leader of the BC Conservative Party , no answer. 

I. I write the Victoria Times Colonist in response to an editorial they wrote . No answer. 

J. Read another opinion by a Canadian Judge, this time in British Columbia , which violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms , the very constitution that the Judiciary is suppose to uphold.  

K. The international Community is trying to banish Israel , like  the Egyptians did to the Jews in 1250 BC .

L. We watch as the Americans and the Western Europeans are ordered around by the military industrial complex to see more killing in Ukraine.

M. We watch the brazen attempt by the UN through the WHO to subvert the sovereignty of nations and have Bill Gates and his ilk rule the western world.  

N. And now the NBC intends to do a series on glorifying the lower forms of life, without a thought process, engage in transgenderism . 

Just another day watching the west’s descent to Ignorance.

6 thoughts on “The World Has Lost It

  1. The world is all we have, and we have to actively engage with it and its atrocities to make it a better place. There’s no alternative, imaginary or otherwise.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I would change the title somewhat and state, “The Western World Should Be Placed on A Self-Flagellation and Suicide Watch.”

    We have, it seems, under the cover of insidious academia and darkness, been lulled asleep at the wheel, and have allowed the “Education” Trojan Horse to firmly establish itself within our Western Civilization institutions. Pray-tell, what could go wrong!!

    This march to academic madness has been decades in the making; one could argue at least sixty (60) years. 

    Western Civilization is merely, and sadly, reaping the fruits of the “captured” and now autocratic, totalitarian, groupthink academia. And, to be certain, the capture extends from K-12 up to what is now properly and accurately called the Institutions of Lower Learning. 

    Should one be surprised that K-12 teachers and university professors, who have for greater then fifty (50) years, abandoned the essential principle to “not take advantage” of the student’s vulnerability, gullibility, and immaturity, has done exactly the opposite—by indoctrination and propagandizing their malleable students with only leftist thought—no balance to be seen—minimal balance of thought, if any, to be seen in the Humanities, ologies and SJW departments.

    The Education System has become a monolith of groupthink where independent thought goes to die on the altars of Social Justice, DEI, political and doctrine thought, that is, by any measure, radical left. The radical teachers and professors are hellbent on students only hearing one side of the political spectrum and they are only too glad to use their classrooms as political indoctrination centres.

    Our Western democracies are being abused and destroyed by the Education System and it isn’t by mistake. These “educator” folk have been entrusted with our children and they have abused such a privilege by encasing it in the pox infected blanket of academic “freedom.”

    The observations that Señor Peckford made, in this post, are certainly worrisome and, sadly, are predictable manifestations of the decades of the Education System’s indoctrination efforts. 

    1. The Education System has spent fifty (50) plus years turning out leftist indoctrinated lawyers, many of whom are now on the bench. Should we be surprised that the courts and their decisions are now inherently left, bias, prejudicial and blatantly political—I think not;

    2. The Education System has spent fifty (50) plus years turning out leftist indoctrinated teachers and professors, many of whom are now indoctrinating and propagandizing our children. Should we be surprised that the K-12 system is now inherently left, bias, prejudicial and blatantly political—I think not;

    3.  The Education System has spent fifty (50) plus years turning out leftist indoctrinated students, many who are now our corporate leaders or in positions of great influence. Should we be surprised that a great number of our corporate entities are now inherently left, bias, prejudicial and blatantly political—I think not;

    4. The Education System has spent fifty (50) plus years turning out leftist indoctrinated students, many who are now firmly entrenched Administrative State leaders. Should we be surprised that the vast majority of the Administrative State are now inherently left, bias, prejudicial and blatantly political—I think not;

    5. The Education System has spent fifty (50) plus years turning out leftist indoctrinated students, many who are now our political leaders. Should we be surprised that a great number of our political leaders are now inherently left, bias, prejudicial and blatantly political—I think not;

    Are we genuinely shocked to find that teachers and professors, who have spent decades:

     “teaching” students to disrespect the law and their fellow citizens;

    embrace hatred for self and coddle students into submission,

    be envious of others success, 

    lower the bar through DEI efforts thus destroy meritocracy, 

    supporting failed multiculturalism, 

    supporting the war against masculinity,

    supporting genital mutilation, 

    teaching that structural racism exist,

    supporting sexual deviance and the mental illness associated with such,” 

    are the avowed dissidents in Western Civilization’s march into the abyss of irrelevance?

    All, apparently, with the intent and purpose to destroy Western Civilization, and we, as taxpayers, ironically, are funding this suicide, travesty and unfolding nightmare.

    Might I suggest that unless the Education System is drastically overhauled, a large number of the “teaching staff and administrators” removed—the slide of Western Civilization will continue until it is ripe for take over and conquering by another Civilization. 

    And make no mistake, this takeover will be brutal and make Stalin’s, Pol Pot’s, and Mao’s death marches look like a picnic in the park!!!

    Food for thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mr. Peckford!! Have you seen the historic shorts they are hitting us with on television recently? Celebrating the degenerates of society as a Canadian symbol of our history. Canadians are paying for this garbage with money borrowed against future tax collections. Makes me want to vomit.

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