Lady Fights Mask Fine And Wins In My City, Parksville, BC. 

Right here in nice Canada , it is happening .;

Our rights and freedoms are being suppressed and eliminated .

All in the name name of science that does not exist. Numerous studies from all over the world exist showing that masks, that almost everyone is wearing , are not helpful and in some cases are harmful. I have published some of these studies on this blog. 

Ela Tenase went to  a local Pharmacy called Pharmasave to pick up her medical prescription . She was not wearing a mask . No entry. She explained that for medical reasons she could not wear one , explaining that’s why she was taking medicines . Meanwhile in a nearby mall in Nanaimo hundreds were sitting in a food court unmasked. 

But the authorities would not act reasonably and she was fined by the police. Ela , a courageous Romanian immigrant , did not take kindly to this rebuff and protested outside the pharmacy . 

A Canadian news outlet , Rebel News , had recently set up a Democracy Fund to assist people like Ela in fighting these undemocratic measures . They took on Ela ‘s case and just a couple of days ago , her fine was stayed by a Justice of The Peace. 

Of course, this follows on the heels of other cases of coercion and suppression throughout Canada. Dr. Hoff of Lytton, BC , for example, was denied having his injured patients be seen by a specialist and ever since the authorities have been harassing him , taking away his hospital privileges and the College of Physicians and Surgeons accusing him of so called ‘vaccine hesitancy.’

Across Canada people are being harassed, coerced , denied their jobs, by a state that is consumed with lockdowns that do more damage than the virus itself. No independent cost benefit analysis would validate what Governments are doing . That’s why they have not done one. But a Dr. Douglas Allen of Simon Fraser University University has completed one and it shows lockdowns and such measures do not work. 

But like everything independent these days this ,too, is suppressed !

5 thoughts on “Lady Fights Mask Fine And Wins In My City, Parksville, BC. 

  1. “Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers – A Randomized Controlled Trial”, by Henning Bundgaard, et al (21 other authors), 2020.

    THE AUTHORS SUMMARY: “A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1)”

    Wearing a face mask made no statistical difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The term vaccine hesitancy is as denigrating and anti-vax. People are making a “choice”, and an intelligent choice at that. If the federal and provincial governments would allow choice, and support this by making safe and effective out-patient treatments available (and not keep them illegal) the entire country would be better off.

    See the following for a comparison of one prophylactic treatment option and the Pfizer/Moderna injections (which are not vaccines and are another prophylactic choice):

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pro vaccine forces in society are guilty of genocide by the jab and other crimes against humanity.
    Unfortunately we don’t have an army and police force to bring drug companies, governments, oligarchs and other special interests to justice and punish them. Yet.

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