New York Times Editor Dead After Booster

A NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after receiving a Moderna Covid “booster” shot

Alex BerensonDec 25

Carlos Tejada was married and had two children; he spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016.

In July, he received a Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV Covid vaccine. He was thankful to get it, per his Instagram page. 

On Dec. 16, in Seoul, South Korea, he received a Moderna mRNA/LNP “booster.” No clinical trials have ever been conducted to examine the safety or efficacy of mixing various types of these vaccines, and Carlos did not give informed consent, as the consent form was in Korean, a language he could not read. He joked that Omicron should “hit me with your wet snot.”

A day later, Carlos was dead of a heart attack.

RIP Carlos Tejada, Dec. 7, 1972 – Dec. 17, 2021.

If this does not wake the Times nothing will.

16 thoughts on “New York Times Editor Dead After Booster

  1. Senor Peckford;

    Sadly, the NYT has been “carrying water” for Big Pharma, Politicians (especially Democrat politicians), CCP, FDA, CDC NIAID, Gates Foundation, WHO and the United Nations for decades; they would have to lose most of their editorial staff and writers to the Covid-19 gene therapy materials before they could even remotely bring themselves to acknowledge this being the reality !!!

    If there is one thing we can depend on, with great certainty, is that the NYT is mostly incapable of seeing truth, let alone report on it accurately.

    Sadly, there will be many people, around the world, that will meet the same fate as Carlos Tejada over this Fall/Winter period and for the next several years. The reluctance and refusal of those complicit (the NYT being no exception) in spreading the “vaccine” false narrative will hide behind their veil of mistruths, until the truth can no longer be contained.

    I predicted in this past summer that we (the Western World in particular) would have a very challenging Fall/Winter Influenza/Covid-19/variant infection and death rate. As usual, I was told by the Covid-19 alarmists that I didn’t know what I was talking about and the initial “vaccines” were working well to prevent such. My rationale for the prediction was as follows:

    1. The mRNA experimental gene therapy materials aren’t providing the promised immunity— we now know this is true;
    2. The mRNA experimental gene therapy materials aren’t preventing those that have been injected from becoming infected again and passing it on to others (vaccinated and unvaccinated)— we now know this is true;
    3. The mRNA experimental gene therapy materials are encouraging the development of new variants and top immunologists and virologists around the world have been warning us of such— we now know this is true;
    4. The use of booster shots against these new variants is a Hail Mary approach and will prove minimally effective and most likely a catalyst for a weakened immune response;
    5. The immune system is under attack from these mRNA experimental gene therapy materials and in the long run (1-5 years) will see more and more of the vaccinated infected and weakened further— thus more susceptible to infection and reinfection;
    6. The continued rise in deaths from drug overdoses, suicide, medical errors, missed diagnosis and treatment for cancers, heart, liver, lymphatic disease, etc.— we now know this is true.

    This will prove to, indeed, be a classic case of where the “in vogue cure” is worse than the disease.

    It will also be seen, in the not too distant future, to be the point in time where public trust in the medical profession took a deep dive into the abyss of witch doctor like credibility.

    Food for thought.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Great comments as always Terry. I’m afraid this whole breakdown of our way of life will go full circle before the masses wake up and until they do we are just going for a repeat of history. I literally have lost all hope for this being solved through political channels, most people are becoming more compliant not less. I go and sit in a parking lot and while my wife shops and watch the collective wearing their mask as they drive up in their car alone or with their spouse that they obviously live with. You really can’t reason with this kind of insanity and it is insanity as omicron or the common cold as it use to be known has made normal people take leave of their senses. Have a great winter wish I was there

    Liked by 3 people

  3. As Forrest Gump’s mama said, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
    I’m sorry but, I can no longer feel bad for any one who would willing do this to themselves.
    I watch with sadness, the people in my community glom on to the government and MSM narrative – watching the news every night with their eyes glazed over, soaking up the fear porn, and spreading it while they clamour for their next ‘vaccination’, meanwhile condemning those of us who see the evil being perpetrated across the Western democracies, and resist.

    Even the most obtuse among us should have seen the most obvious fact in the beginning – the flu disappeared.
    From 38 million cases worldwide in 2019 to 1812 cases the next year? Seriously?
    A virus with better than 97% survival rate.
    No dump trucks full of corpses being hauled away with masses of people dead – in their homes?, among the homeless?, only in hospitals, you know, the over-run ones with the dancing nurses??
    This information is readily available and easy to find, if you’re not too lazy to look.
    So go ahead, mix and match your DNA-altering clot-shots. Get as many as you possibly can, get tested with a fake test as often as you can, and always wear your mask.
    It’s called Natural Selection.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Reblogged this on In defense of human freedom and commented:
    mRNA ‘vaccines’ are known to cause heart inflammation and are suspsected of being responsible for numerous fatal heart attacks. While the causal corellation is as yet not definitively proven, it seem probable that it exists. If not, it’s an enormous coincedence. The story here is that he’s a NYT editor who openly praised the jab. The NYT is infamous for being part of the MSM establishment responsible for lying to the public over the last seven or so years. It reminds me of Bari Weiss’ reasons for leaving the NYT ( Having said all that, I am sorry that he died and leaves loved ones behind. May God bless them. No one deserves to lose a loved one before their time.


  5. I am really surprised that these presstitutes believe in their own propaganda. I had thoughts that by servicing global predators, NYT and WaPo editors were
    also getting their placebos (xxx01xxx jabs) like Biden et al. instead of the deadly clot shots (xxx02xx jabs).
    Where did the investigative go? These are the people who in the 70s would have been informing the population.
    Today, they rely on illusionism to make money.


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