Looks Like First Ministers ( Canada) Did Not Discuss Special Measures In Their Phone Meeting Today

It looks like someone jumped the gun on this idea that the First Ministers were to agree to some extreme measures. Of course, who really knows what was discussed. The mainstream press have the subjects discussed as being more rapid tests , military help for health systems and more money for the Provinces.

Given the nature of this public policy disaster who knows whether another change of course is on order.

Keep vigilant are the watch words.

17 thoughts on “Looks Like First Ministers ( Canada) Did Not Discuss Special Measures In Their Phone Meeting Today

  1. The next day Quebec announces it will impose a “tax” on the unvaccinated. So I think the discussion on the 10th was in part about that. Trudeau wants Canada to impose this tax in all provinces and by doing so, fall in line with Austria, a BRI (china-controlled) nation. Their desire is to create a domino effect, turning all Western nations to a social credit system whereby citizens are punished or rewarded and thus controlled by the state. This is how Communism is being spread, through deception, by globalists, working with the CCP. My article on it: https://thinkforyourself.life/2022/01/11/quebec-canada-to-impose-a-tax-fine-on-the-unvaccinated-similar-to-austria-in-a-desperate-attempt-to-keep-medical-tyranny-going/ Yes, this is a theory but I think it’s correct, after having paid attention to what’s going on for the last few years.


    • The globalists haven’t exactly been secretive about their plans for tyranny. We know from the Manhattan Project etc that when they really want to keep a secret, the do so very well.

      I believe this to be similar to the mythos around vampires always asking to be invited into your house.

      Researchers like Michael Tsarion and Mark Passio (a former Satanist) make it clear that the globalists announcing their intentions is part of their occult ritual…like giving a fox a head start before releasing the hounds.


  2. Seems as though the narrative is taking a huge hit this month. Turdeau is panicking trying to ram through his agenda of death and destruction to bring his so admired chinese social credit system to Canadians. We dont want it and he doesnt care.
    This inhuman needs to go.


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