15 thoughts on “Mass Formation —Mattias Desmet—Hitting The Wall Of Rationalist Thought

  1. ALTRUISM, the heart of our religious traditions that commands you prioritize the needs of all others above those of your own, is an anti-morality. The existence of a slave and a willing sacrificial animal.

    Normally good, decent, intelligent, honest people wanting to act morally get deceived by the anti-morality of altruism, confusing it with care and benevolence. Only the total opposite is true.

    ALTRUISM is actually the relinquishment of your identity. Your person, your gender, your nationality, your philosophical beliefs, your own children, the ownership of your own body and of your own mind (via speech control). The willing sacrifice of your own soul.

    There is nothing more evil that can be resisted by simply exercising your own free will (choosing to focus and concentrate your own mind vs the convenience of “following the crowd” and the “deer leeder”). Conformance is everything to the collectivist hive mind.



    • While I initially accepted this theory by Mattias Desmet I am now not sure this is a completely accurate theory. I have been reading comments by C. J. Hopkins recently and he has a different take on said theory. You can find a recent article by him on this subject on Off Guardian or subscribe to his substack. Interesting reading.

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      • I just watched the video interview of Peter Breggins on bitchute called: “Dr Peter Breggin on Mattias Desmet Mass Formation and Dr Robert Malone NIH Activ Membership”. It was interesting and I am compelled to go to his site to learn more. I’ve always been suspicious of Malone. Perhaps I will learn more. Thanks “prairiemuser”.

        I will also check out CJ Hopkins as suggested by Helen.

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      • Although the dustup started by Breggin may be unfortunate, Desmet needs to address the concerns Breggin raised. Pussyfooting around the tyrants of the day, such as Bill Gates and his obscene level of buying off regulatory over sight, needs to be aired. Never talking about the elephants in the room guarantees more damage is done. Breggin is retired and Desmet still employed, so that likely explains plenty.

        Malone has come a long way and seems trustworthy. He had a blind faith in vaccine tech which I feel was entirely misplaced, but he admitted his errors so far. Breggin is new to a lot of this stuff as well, but now realizes the literal genocide against most of us.


    • As Lewis points out, most Conspiracy Theories ™ end up being true. A CT is any fact that if TRUE, would upset one’s views of the world. The epithet of ‘conspiracy theory’ is a balm to those who prefer ignorance and denial of uncomfortable truths to creating a better world. Padding one’s nest in a demonic world is what many people call success.

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  2. We have Chinese police stations in Ontario(3) and Freeland inflating Canada into insolvency while comrade Trudeau sells us out to the WEF.
    I am with Breggin. Desmet has had his five minutes of distracting the sheeple.
    This is the authoritarian destruction of humanity and is the story of ages.

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  3. In this 45 minute lecture, a lecture that is actually about Ethics where Capitalism is the realization of a human flourishing based Ethics, Ayn Rand describes the root causes of Collectivism (where the mob, the group, the tribe is prioritized above its own Constituents where some can be sacrificed for the “greater good” of the collective).

    Its very consistent with, but goes deeper than wat Dr. Desmet has revealed.



  4. Perhaps Tucker experienced some groupthink when he poo poo’d the idea that the election was stolen. Perhaps he can benefit from Bruce Lee’s wisdom to admit one’s error. Likewise, can Desmet admit that he takes the safer (mass) approach of not confronting elites?

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  5. Dr.Peter Breggin calls out Mattias Desmet for only blaming the people for believing the Covid Crime Against Humanity, and never calling out the evil perpetrators of the Big Lie and propaganda.
    When you shift the blame to just the sheeple (dum-dums that they are) , you are distracting everyone’s attention from the propagandists/Global Predators. You certainly learn who’s who, what’s what and when in Doctor Breggin’s book: “Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey” and Robert F. Kennedy’s Book ( and soon to be movie/documentary!) “The Real Anthony Fauci”, which has sold more than 1000000 copies.

    As for Dr. Robert Malone, it is not only his ties to the NIH crowd, but to others in the Global Predator community, AND for NEVER, not once, calling them out or being part of the Freedom Movement and community which Dr. Peter Breggin condemns. Just look at his website at http://www.breggin.com and see for yourself.

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  6. This guy hits the nail on the head. People that think Trudeau is the problem can’t seem to understand that he is not the problem it’s the group think that elected him that is the problem. The Canadian voter has such a low iq that they think govt spending money will some how be good for them,when 200 years of history proves the exact opposite to be true.


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