And You Thought Poilievre Was Different? A Loyal Reader Gets The Goods!!!

Here is a regular reader of my blog and his exchange of letters with Mr. Poilievre’s office , likely the leader never saw it.

You see The New Leader is like the last leader , the Leader before that ——-—no better than Trudeau——You write a letter and you get a reply which indicates the letter was not read —because the answer has nothing to do with what was asked .

Just a generic answer assuming that you were just attacking the Government ——-not asking specifically what he and his Party were going to do.

And I am waiting for my own reply from Mr. Poilievre , his office or whoever composes responses to letters from citizens that are not even read.

My blog reader , Mr. King , has given me permission to carry the exchange.

Honorable Brian Peckford,

I got this reply today from Pierre Poilievre on the letter I sent him where you suggested various changes to government actions. Kind of sounds like a standard non specific reply to specific questions I asked. We won’t hold our breath.

Brian King

Reply From Pierre Poilievre Sept 5th

Thank you very much for your recent email. I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts and concerns with me. I can tell that you have put a lot of thought into your message.

I have heard from thousands of Canadians on issues like these and I can assure you that I am working tirelessly to ensure that the federal government is held accountable for their actions and decisions.

I was elected to fight for bigger paychecks and less debt, more freedom, and less government control. That is what I believe and what I will do.   

Thanks again for your message. I will keep your comments in mind as we move forward.


Pierre Poilievre P.C., M.P.  Carleton

Leader of the Official Opposition

This is the letter I sent him……………..

Hon. Pierre Poilievre (Canada’s next Prime MInister)

The Hon Brian Peckford, the last living person to sign Canada’s Charter or Rights is asking for you to follow through on these three excellent suggestions from him to prove that the politics of our Party has changed —not just a new face


Commit his caucus to introduce a resolution in the House of Commons which opens on September 19 , supporting  a Citizen Led , Independent National Inquiry into the the mandates and lockdowns  by Governments concerning the so called covid pandemic. Were they necessary, was science followed and were they constitutional.? Was there a better , cheaper way? Were all the deaths and injuries from the lockdowns unavoidable? Are the ongoing deaths and injuries from the covid vaccines necessary.? Were there cost benefit analysis done or are there any underway now to determine whether such mandates were indeed good public policy?


Commit as the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada that he will recommend in writing to his Party that they begin immediately to ensure that annual , audited financial statements of the Party are published on the Party’s website and available to all. 


Commit that as Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons , he will at the first opportunity, the House reopens September 19,  to introduce an amendment to the Conflict of Interest Act whereby any Member of the House of Commons that violates any provision of this Act as determined by The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner or a Canadian Court cannot serve in that legislative chamber. 

Prompt positive action on these three issues will determine whether there is just a new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada —-or whether Canadians have a new reformed major political party in this country. 

What is your reply to Mr. Peckford Mr. Poilievre.

Brian King (I am a Party member and voted for you)

(18 Gardenvale Cr London Ontario)

15 thoughts on “And You Thought Poilievre Was Different? A Loyal Reader Gets The Goods!!!

  1. Surprise, Surprise!
    Over my many years, how many letters have I received from various politicians of all parties saying pretty much the same thing in response to my various questions. Translated, to me I believe they’re saying “Go away. I’m too busy being famous to be bothered with the likes of you, at least not until the next election”.
    People wonder why I’m disillusioned with both politics and politicians. Mr. King’s “back and forth” with Mr. Poilievre should answer that question.
    I’m not a party member and I will never vote for him.


  2. Based on what I’ve paid attention to (and I’m not a political animal), there are very few current Canadian politicians whose stance I like: Maxime Bernier and Roman Baber. I’m sure there are other names that escape me at the moment. I’ve had my fingers crossed about Poilievre.


  3. As a general rule you shouldn’t entrust people who caused a problem to solve a problem especially in government because they really don’t want to change anything, and they won’t do it.
    Their party’s record to date speaks for itself. No party on the ballot will stop borrowing, end deficits, pay down debt, defending white interests and properly punish criminals and perverts according to divine law and quashing real estate prices and rents is not on the agenda. If you like communism, Sodom and Gomorrah, heresy, debt slavery and ungodly behavior then by all means vote for those on the ballot because that is what you will get. It is all that is allowed. There hasn’t been a hint of moral or fiscal soundness in government since the mid 1960s and the only exception was when Paul Martin over saw the partial pay down of the National debt. Good to see but it was just a proverbial flash in the pan that was reversed by so-called reformer/conservative governments and later liberal governments under Justin Trudeau. All of Canada’s mainstream and leftist parties can burn in hell as far as I am concerned. For what they have done to this country they are not going anywhere else.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The gullible have taken the CONservatives’ bait hook, line and sinker. Pierre is very sharp and talks a big game, but that’s where it ends. Where was Pierre when Tamara Lich, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Roger Hodkinson held press conferences in support of the truckers in Ottawa last February? Max Bernier and Randy Hillier were there while Pierre spewed a few empty words in the House of Morons yet he was quick to take full advantage of photo ops with protesters on Wellington Street. Just like Justine, Pierre “stands with Ukraine” even if it means fighting to the last Ukrainian in an unwinnable war to further the Satanic ambitions of NATO/the New World Order. Perhaps Pierre should do a bit of research and watch Oliver Stone’s Documentary “Ukraine on fire” before virtue signaling any more pro-NATO drivel. Meanwhile Justine and his criminal minions continue to spread disinformation regarding the dangerous experimental injections while Pierre and the gutless CONservatives remain silent, enabling the carnage to continue. Additionally, Pierre plays along with Justine regarding the false narrative of man made, CO2 driven climate change. Unfortunately, the elephant in the room, geoengineering (visit ) poses a very real threat to humanity, yet these two “leaders” prefer that Canadians remain oblivious to the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Have you read this?
    She donated $55 dollars to the Freedom Convoy
    In a joint submission on penalty, both the defence and prosecution are asking for the officer to forfeit 40 hours of pay and to participate in a restorative justice component. That component, if carried out as intended, would see members of the Ottawa community meet with the officer and explain how her actions by donating to the occupation affected them and the services they provide.

    “It’s a novel situation but it’s one that calls for serious condemnation of the conduct,” Stewart said.


      • Interesting that both prosecution and defence are on the same page regarding punishment, especially considering she did nothing wrong. In a supposedly free and democratic society (hahaha) such as Canada, how she spends her paycheque should be her business and not that of her employer.
        Truly disgusting.

        Liked by 2 people

      • It is beyond disgusting. It is immoral and demoralizing. I can not wrap my heart or mind around what is happening. The chasm between people who think like this and myself is not bridgeable. There is no common ground.

        Liked by 1 person

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