64 to 1 Against The Truckers Convoy And For Lockdowns and Mandates , BC Legislature Vote , Yesterday April 17, 2023 . So Who Said Things Are Changing , And Freedom and Science are Winning?

Oh, the madness!!

The rejection of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms !

The rejection of science !

The rejection of people being able to peacefully demonstrate!

Here is the resolution and some commentary as reported by True North news online:

“Be it resolved that one year after the anti-vaccine protests in Ottawa and communities including Victoria, South Surrey, Kelowna and Cranbrook, this House denounces the freedom convoy protests and affirms that public health orders, including vaccine requirements, have been an essential tool in B.C.’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the motion read.

The motion received 64 yeas and 1 nay from lone BC Conservative John Rustad. 

20 MLAs skipped the vote, including both BC Green Party members.

“Many BC United MLAs who call themselves ‘conservative’ simply didn’t show up,” Rustad wrote on Twitter.

Fear and lack of independent information still haunts the public square .

This on the 41St Anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms becoming the law of Canada. 

All Canada should be outraged at this blatant display of ignorance of science and reason and insult to democracy—-and all performed in the ———yes, you guessed it —our Legislature !

14 thoughts on “64 to 1 Against The Truckers Convoy And For Lockdowns and Mandates , BC Legislature Vote , Yesterday April 17, 2023 . So Who Said Things Are Changing , And Freedom and Science are Winning?

  1. Ignorance at the highest levels allows the least educated to perform in ways that are not amenable to maintaining civilised societies.
    Stand up because she’s being taken out.


  2. Outraged! What happened to the courage and fortitude to speak up, speak out for what is right and true. The vaccines never prevented infection or transmission. Mandates violated our rights and caused irreparable harm. Sad and disappointing


  3. These were the same people who were implementing these draconian measures, so this is to be expected. They won’t admit mistakes, plus, BC voters are ignorant about the damage done. Convoy probably got a lot of bad press. Thankfully one person had the courage to stand up for citizen’s rights.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Ignorance in government is common place now. The lone member, voting against this idiocy is to be commended. How so many could be captured by this false narrative is astounding. Hope is dashed once again. Here, there is a complete lack of sanity & justice. The lies are believed by those making decisions.
    The hope & prayer for eternal judgment of these evil players, is all I hang into.


  5. Wow! And to think I once believed British Columbia was the be all and end all of “good living in Canada”. So happy now that I never went back. This truly is one of the most pathetically disgusting and outrageous things I’ve ever read about or heard.

    Is this really what the electorate of British Columbia voted for at the last election? If soi, then God help us all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Then again, they must have taken note of what happened at the federal level. Take a look at Jody Wilson-Raybould, Jane Philpott, and Melanie Joly. Which one is still there and how did she do it?

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