The State Wants God Out Of Our Lives !

How else to explain what is going on?

This Remembrance Day issue just brings it all to the fore in a dramatic way. 

Epoch Times Reports :

The Department of National Defence has confirmed that chaplains can’t use the word “God” during official ceremonies such as Remembrance Day.

This follows Defence Minister Bill Blair’s dismissal as “misinformation” assertions by the Conservatives that military chaplains are being prohibited from saying prayers at Remembrance Day ceremonies.

In mandatory military ceremonies, “chaplains should not use the word ‘God’ or other references to a higher power such as ‘Heavenly Father,’” Department of National Defence (DND) spokesperson Derek Abma told The Epoch Times in an Oct. 20 statement.’

The article goes on to quote the Department of Defence spokesman of referring to a Supreme Court of Canada Decision of 2015 concerning religious neutrality .

Well , I have not read that decision( but I will) but I did help create the Charter of Right and Freedoms , a part of the Constitution Act , the Supreme Law of Canada and the opening words of the Charter are : 



And Canadians know now why courts and the Rouleau Inquiry will not hear from me.

Because I will inform them that the the decisions that have been made and are being made by the Courts involving the Charter are WRONG!!

Because they have ignored the concepts through which the Charter is to be interpreted—the opening ones of the Charter .

One judge in 1985 mentioned  in a decision that the Charter authors never said Christian God and therefore they have free reign to interpret as they see fit .

How wrong , how without involving context , intent, , custom , convention, concepts often mentioned in arriving at court decisions !

The momentous September 1981 decision of the Supreme Court  rejecting Trudeau Sr. Government ‘s position that the unilateral government patriation  proposal was constitutional was decided because of Constitutional convention —-custom ——-that important unwritten part of our Constitution. 

And here we have it in the opening words of the Charter and in the custom /convention of our society and  the veterans’ ceremonies that what the Government through the Department Defence  and the Military leadership is doing is VIOLATING OUR CONSTITUTION —


God is in our written Constitution and our unwritten Constitution ( customs , convention )but not allowed in our Remembrance Day Ceremonies??? 

Into what evil hole have we fallen ?

If some one wants to change the Constitution there is a Constitutional Way —right in the Charter —-

Using the old Trudeau unilateralism  as the SCOC said in 1981 is  ———


24 thoughts on “The State Wants God Out Of Our Lives !

  1. A more accurate and realistic title is “The state wants your chosen values out of your life”.

    For 18 centuries, Western civilization was dominated by theocratic feudalism, supposedly commanded from God, forcibly imposing “values” as determined by the “deer leederz”.

    Socialism is merely a modernized version of the medieval religious theocracy, now with dogma such as CLIMATism, COVIDism. LGBTQism, DEI-ism as socialist religious dogma that must be obeyed under penalty of heresy.

    Morality is the realm of chosen values. Values that are imposed under threat of damnation, cancellation, firing, etc. are disvalues (death-wish) imposed by those consumed by power-lust having a dependency upon human sacrifice (govt welfare).

    We’re all learning the very hard but necessary way that free stuff from the govt (the welfare state), is the most expensive stuff there is in the Universe. The restoration of legalized slavery and mass murder.

    Liked by 3 people

      • There are indeed Universal principles of truth and of morality (epistemology and ethics respectively), but it is our Platonic religious traditions that delivers lies and immorality (misguidance and death wish).

        OUR RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS ABOUT MORALITY, absent of explicit knowledge of Aristotle’s beneficial influence to Christianity makes Socialism whether in Communist, Fascist, or other theocratic form, a moral ideal.

        Western civilization was dominated by theocratic feudalism for 18 centuries, until America’s Revolution (motivated by Aristotelean method and doctrine introduced into Christianity by St. Thomas Aquinas).

        The whole of the dystopia we’re enduring was accomplished by falsely delegitimizing and then erasing crucial Aristotelean doctrine from our education and awareness. A rather simple doctrine to learn and to understand.

        All motivated by power-lust (the need to conquer and control other men, women, and children). Done on purpose by those who knew what they were doing.


  2. People! It is time to say enough is enough. We are a country founded upon Christian principles and we cannot allow a wannabe dictator to oust our God because it is inconvenient to that dictator.

    Canada is a God fearing nation. Newly landed citizens should be required to conform to our principles and not be allowed to drag their abandoned principles into our country.

    Our forefathers (and mothers) fought and died for the freedoms our current government is stealing from us and this has to stop. Every one of us must put a stop to the implementation of these edicts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The foundations for success of Western civilization ARE ACTUALLY ARISTOTELEAN, not Judeo-Christian (Platonist). The Platonist (+Sophist) influence is what undermines civilization (renders normally civilized people into primitive warring tribal savages).

      THE WHACKY LEFT-WING AND WHACKY RIGHT-WING originate from ancient Greece. Although there are superficial distinctions between the whacky left/right they’re the same in the essentials of

      1) they both deny physical reality as an objective absolute

      2) they both consider knowledge as innate and a realm of the “exspurtz” (the power of knowledge is impossible for you)

      3) they’re both tribal and both promote and impose the morality of altruism (=human sacrifice for the “greater good”).

      Attributes that exist and dominate the present day but can be mitigated by choosing to keep and maintain a mind of your own (rejecting any/all group-think) and to practice a values in the real world orientation (practice virtues of rationality, independence, honesty, productivity, justice, integrity, and pride).


    • Put a visit to Italy on your bucket list.

      KNOW YOUR HISTORY. How Western civilization became enlightened upon a path towards the discovery of the natural laws. Essential knowledge to re-establish your own identity as an individual Westerner (immigrant or not). This is something that can be taught in a secondary school social studies curriculum.

      RAPHAEL’S SCHOOL OF ATHENS (the artwork), located in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican expresses the importance of Greek Aristotelean philosophy (Thomism of St. Thomas Aquinas) to the Medieval and Renaissance Christian theocracy. It was believed that Aristotle’s method (of associating and validating intellectual concepts with physical reality) could be used to finally prove the existence of God (or some form of the “holy grail”) and thus became the purpose of the Scholastics of the time (who accomplished very little).

      What instead occurred as an effect of Thomism, was the discovery (by a few individuals like Copernicus, Galileo, etc) that the Universe was ruled by natural (vs supernatural) law, absolute, stable, firm, and KNOWABLE.

      People started paying more attention to the real world (vs the imagined Utopian one), creating beautiful pieces of art, nudes, magnificent Cathedrals (albeit financed by exploiting undeserved guilt of citizens), statues of beauty and heroism all in 3D and very detailed and realistic. Then came the scientific method followed by the first notions of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and the RULE OF OBJECTIVE LAW. The most profoundly important intellectual discoveries in human history.

      Raphael’s ‘School of Athens’ in Vatican Apostolic Palace depicting the philosophical duel between Plato and Aristotle.

      MYSTICISM (Plato’s hand pointing upward to an imagined Utopia)
      REASON (Aristotle’s hand reaching outward, the absolute of reality)


  3. The “evil hole” is the black iron door creaking open, for souls, whose ‘god’ is money or some sexual’ off the beat’ use of the body, or lust for power over the lives of others, …. to enter for an eternity of mental and physical suffering which will last forever. There is an eternal hell where mortal sinners go. The state suffers from lust for power over the lives of others and hearts of hate … the ingredients of Socialism!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Please describe ‘God’ for me. I don’t know any Judaeo-Christian “God”. That is anathema to me. The only “God” I know and that I don’t know is the unfathomable eternal creator god who is GOOD. Denial of the good such as that which is good for all creation is the evil that resides in man made evil doctrines passing as Holy Script. The Judeo-Christian doctrines are a massive great lie invented by rabid chauvinistic frauds. I despise those gods such as they are and would never entrust my constitution to them.


    • There’s indeed Universal principles of truth and morality (epistemology and ethics respectively), only as you express, our religious traditions (based upon Plato) are actually misguided and deeply unethical.

      CHRISTIANITY PROPAGATED PHILOSOPHY ACROSS THE WORLD. A good thing because there are indeed Universal principles of truth and morality that are valid and Life-serving for all of humanity.

      Tragically however, Christianity (along with Judaism and Islam) is a philosophy dominated by Plato’s (vs Aristotle’s) ideas. Plato is the root of Communist ideology and Communism is derived from early Christian philosophy. Theocratic feudalism is an older form of Communism.

      It is by valid philosophical principles that methods for what is ‘the true’ (epistemology) and what is ‘the good’ (ethics) are determined. America’s founding was actually premised upon Aristotelean ideas that benefitted Christianity (what provoked the Renaissance and the Enlightenment that followed).

      Analogous to discovering nuclear science, only to produce a threat of nuclear annihilation, rather than a miracle of safe, abundant, nuclear energy.


  5. Brian, here’s a thought.

    The state itself must not be religious. While, culture is what it must, and this means culture is religious. This is a problem because it appears a fundamental contradiction. It’s not, but that’s the appearance. Culture and state are distinct entities. One serves the other, the state serves culture. Another way to say this is law is a mirror of culture. It should make it clear then that the state cannot decide culture. The state cannot decide religion. The state must be religion-blind, if you will.

    We can undersand this more clearly be explaining the nation – Canada – as a simple hierarchy. The judiciary is subordinate to the legislature, the legislature is subordinate to the people, the people are sovereign (subordinate to itself), and, the judiciary and the legislature are the means by which the people subordinate itself. Meaning, the judiciary and legislature are not entities proper, unlike the people who is the only real entity in that sense. The judiciary and legislature are means, tools. We do not ascribe religious property to a tool. Religion is the exclusive domain of humans, not state, not law, not constitution.

    While, constitution sets forth the “supremacy of God”, and this again appears a fundamental contradiction, and again it’s not, but that’s the appearance. Constitution further sets forth the “rule of law”, and this part is more obvious, so we start with that part to figure out the rest. Rule of law is the domain of legislature, that much is clear. It’s further specified by section 1 “reasonable limits prescribed by law”.

    Section 1 also defines and specifies supremacy of God in the part “[as can be demonstrably justified in a] free and democratic society.” And where, “free and democratic society” is defined, namely, by section 2, and for our purpose here, section 2(b) “freedom of conscience and religion”.

    Meaning, law must conform to a Christian God, Christian religion, Christian morality, at least in meaning if not in word. Conversely, law is not permitted to set forth religion. Instead, it’s only permitted to limit section 2(b), and only to the extent that it does not cause section 2(b) to become moot, does not cause “supremacy of God” to become false, does not cause “free and democratic society” to become false. Else, doing so causes law to itself become invalid, of no force and effect. The rationale here is that the only foundation for law is “free and democratic society”.

    Yes, it’s a complicated logical structure, and it’s a bit hard to swallow especially the notion that judiciary and legislature being not entities proper, when we’ve been hammered with the very opposite notion that state is an independent entity with its own independent power and authority. This is easily settled with the statement of fact that institutions, democratic institutions and otherwise, are manned by humans, and humans are of the people. Take humans out of institutions, and institutions do nothing on their own.

    The state, manned by humans, has taken upon itself the mission of prosecuting (persecuting, in fact) religious institutions. In effet, state is acting to destroy its very foundation. There’s only ever been one cause to destroy a state: To install a new state. By the specific target – religion – we can safely assume the attacker is itself secular, likely ideological, likely totalitarian. However, there’s two entities (that I know of) that match this definition. Corporation, communism. To settle this, we ask qui bono. Furthermore, we cannot indulge in the notion that this persecution is isolated, especially in light of the past 3+ years where such persecution reached an apogee.

    Religion, faith, God, religious institutions, religious morality, stand as a potent defense against such enemies. One aspect in particular, which I call social glue mechanisms, maintains group cohesion and accordingly presents a unified front, rather than isolated individuals who can do little if at all against. Divide and conquer, divide and control, the favorite of invaders, tyrants and kings, and now modernly of sociopathic CEOs.

    So, two things we can do. Force “demonstrably justified” in higher court, and attend sunday morning mass.


  6. THE DISCOVERY OF OBJECTIVE VALUES (the validated theory of morality in the real world).

    America’s Bill of Individual Rights (enacted in 1791, largely emulated in Canada’s Charter) correctly implied (but tragically did not explicitly identify) the productive rights respecting individual as the sovereign unit of value, vs the very ancient conservative tradition of British and other earlier monarchists prioritizing the collective ruled by a sovereign (“deer leederz” and their “exspurtz”, fake leaders and fake experts consumed by power lust existing upon human sacrifices).

    Until this realization becomes more widespread including among Americans themselves, people and politicians alike will be driven by tribal power lust as a “moral” imperative, rendering themselves into warring tribal cannibal savages, as we are all witness to today.

    RIGHTS MAKE MIGHT by protecting the human mind. The human mind cannot function under coercion of any kind. It’s as simple as that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • THERE ARE NO MYSTICAL DEMONS! There is self-delusion and escape from reality and the death-wish and cowardice this entails. Mystical demons are a convenient evasion for those who want to evade the responsibility of their own decisions. An evasion that ultimately produces demons made out of flesh and blood (actual people in pursuit of death-wish and disvalue of power lust).

      PLATO’S PHILOSOPHY is the root of all totalitarian ideology and Plato is conveyed throughout our cultures via Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). The fundamental premise of the real physical world being only semi-real, a projection from a higher, more real reality (the world of Forms) enabling Platonists, whether secular or sectarian to make up shit as necessary to create an impression of moral and/or intellectual authority.

      A tragic self-delusion that destroys what is our natural ability of abstraction, and conceptualization, ultimately promoting a death-wish in a quest to reach the world of Forms (morphed into eternal Life or Communist Utopia). The dehumanization of humans that Abrahamic religion actually promotes via the anti-ethic of altruism (human sacrifice disguised as goodwill and benevolence to your fellow man).


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