First It Was The Press( Victoria Times Colonist) Now A Senator Gets In The Act 

Boy , Oh , Boy  —-Or Is It Person ,Oh, Person !

This is a Senator now from  Nova Scotia , Senator Stanley Kutcher . And with all kinds of credentials. 

We now know just how much such fancy designations are irrelevant. 

This Senator in an article carried  by the Canadian Press ‘s National News Watch( March 8)  laments all the health  disinformation out there. Of course it all the fault of the alternate media and skeptics like me. 

I wonder if he was supporting the Emergency Act . Never saw any article from him on that. 

In any case there is nothing in the article about :

  1. Safe and effective being a false narrative—Proven.
  2. Nothing about the covid vaccines causing more adverse events than all other vaccines combined in last 30 years. Proven 
  3. Nothing about the media and its grand collusion of the Trusted News Initiative—-not based on science but their view of what is true. Demonstrated almost every day. 
  4. In talking about the so called Experts the Senator sticks just with the Administrative state organizations.—no mention of the  Great Barrington Declaration —signed  by thousands of independent health professionals and scientists. 
  5. No mention of the violations of the Constitution by Governments right across Canada. 
  6. No talk of the harm being done to independent professionals like Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dr. Charles Hoffe and  Dr. Byram Bridle by the institutions the Senator supports. 

Very sad that one of our Parliamentarians in the “upper ‘ Chamber has such a ‘low ‘ opinion of people who are independent and value fact over Government propaganda. 

A scandalous display of ignorance at the highest political level . 

15 thoughts on “First It Was The Press( Victoria Times Colonist) Now A Senator Gets In The Act 

  1. Platonists don’t even know they’re Platonist. To them, knowledge is gained either by faith (whacky right-wing), or by consensus group think (whacky left-wing). Whacky because both short circuit the use of their own senses and their own mind (our only means of survival in this real world).

    TOTALITARIAN DEATH CULTS: The Greeks dominated the Mediterranean and then followed by the Romans. Greek philosophy (Plato’s mystical ideas especially) were radicalized into all sorts of powerful totalitarian death cults that dominate our cultures to this day. The main counter to Plato was/is Aristotle, flawed, incomplete, inconsistent as those original ideas about truth (epistemology) and morality (ethics) were.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Brian,

    To the question – I wonder if he was supporting the Emergencies Act – is a simple answer, by converting the question into another one, much simpler to get an answer to, like so.

    Who do we know for a fact opposed the declaration of sanitary emergency? There’s only a few names come up, we count them on one hand. Of course, I’m talking about elected representatives, not just anybody. If we’re talking about anybody, the list gets much longer, but suffice.

    For my part, only three names come up. Randy Hillier, Maxime Bernier, Derek Sloan.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Mr. Peckford, there are many just like that senator. The legacy media by being creators of their own dis/mis information are at the core of it all IMO. I saw an interview with Doug Ford Premier of Ontario who also appears to be living in an alternate reality. He expressed how well all federal and provincial parties responded to the pandemic and got things done in very short periods of time like masking and mandates. Completely disregarding the destruction of our economy and harms inflicted on so many Canadians in the past 4 years as a result. Truly mind boggling.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am still waiting for Canada to lift the ban on Ivermectin. It is pointless and hurts Canadians as Ivermectin has proven to be a successful treatment for a number of health issues. I have written my MP twice about this — no response. I have also written the Conservative Health critic. Again no response. This is another example of health “tyranny” and Canadians should be concerned.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. The complicit are either severely brainwashed or the puppet masters have some real dirt on these degenerates. To totally dismiss leading scientists and healthcare workers who deal with infectious disease every day is a tell. Its not about the truth, its about the pushed narrative. Why are these supposed elected representatives going along with this lunacy unless they are being blackmailed and coerced???

    The cost of living in Canada has become insane, its part of the plan imho

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