Gove’s Ministry of Truth Reporting for Duty

Dangerous redefining of words by HM Gov  

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For those paying attention to the rising tide of totalitarianism here in the UK, the latest from The Ministry of Truth, AKA HM Government should really make your blood run cold. Michael Gove has now overseen the redefining of extremism

It is not hard to see what is at play here. You sell the peasants an idea that they think they want. I mean, who wouldn’t like to stop extremism? Boo, we hate extremists. That’s a good thing right? 

Well that rather depends on who is doing the defining of what constitutes extremism. In this case, Michael Gove. No it doesn’t leave us feeling reassured either. 

In the latest egregious bout of trolling from HM Gov, it takes about 3 milliseconds of studying the new definition of extremism to realise that during the so-called ‘pandemic’, the government did precisely everything therein:

  1. negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; 

What, like denying them social contact, denying them the right to be with their dying relatives, forcing medical procedures on them in order to continue their job, denying them the right to earn a living, denying their rights of free movement, locking them in their homes and arresting them for sitting on a bench? That kind of thing? 

  1. undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; 

What, you mean like introducing a brand new legal act (in spite of there already existing an appropriate instrument) that completely tramples parliamentary democracy, giving the sitting government the right to jackboot their way into people’s lives as outlined in point 1 above? Or like shutting down parliament entirely and cancelling elections? Or perhaps like Matt Hancock telling parliament that he had unilaterally decided to offer the pharmaceutical companies indemnity for their products. 

  1. intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).

What, you mean by censoring and smearing any opposing views, demonising anyone who didn’t get with the programme and creating an environment of extremism via a media monopoly that would have been more fitting in Mao Zedong’s China. 

This upside down clown world is really getting too much. The government is now brazenly behaving like a criminal mafia gang. You do as they say, as defined by them, otherwise you’re an extremist. And you will be punished.

The boiled frog analogy seems to be a good one. What will it take for the British public to realise that they live in a liberal democracy in name only? The architecture being rapidly put in place is the polar opposite of a liberal democracy and if we study our history books, this particular trend tends to end very badly for the non-ruling classes.

Source : Hart Group —Heath Advisory Recovery Team

6 thoughts on “Gove’s Ministry of Truth Reporting for Duty

  1. TOTALITARIAN DEATH CULTS, both ancient and modern are a multi-millennia old issue that can be resolved by simple dissemination and awareness. Something that could and ought be part of a secondary school social studies curriculum. It’s not very hard.

    EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, FAITH have a role in our lives, but these are not our means of acquiring knowledge in the real world, but are our motivation. Our morale/morality are effects of the quality of decisions we make. Being rational is a choice that must be consciously chosen. Not automatic like emotions. One must consciously choose to make use of his own senses, to interpret that data towards a truth that may or may not be correct. An error of knowledge is simply an error that can be corrected.

    The faking/evasion of reality however is another thing, and I think you all agree this is becoming all to common (e.g. constant gas-lighting).

    MODERN PLATONISTS hate the real world. They consider it less real than the “really real reality” existing in their own mind. Platonists deny their own senses in favour of wishes. They can be secular or supernatural. They deny, evade, fabricate reality to escape reality (commit suicide of their own mind, spirit, and ultimately physically taking along victims on the way).

    Platonists don’t even know they’re Platonist. To them, knowledge is gained either by faith (whacky right), or by consensus group think (whacky left). Whacky because both short circuit the use of their own senses and their own mind (our only means of survival in this real world).

    TOTALITARIAN DEATH CULTS: The Greeks dominated the Mediterranean and then followed by the Romans. Greek philosophy (Plato’s mystical ideas especially) were radicalized into all sorts of powerful totalitarian death cults that dominate our cultures to this day. The main counter to Plato was/is Aristotle.

    PLATO’S DUAL-REALITY PHILOSOPHY IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BLUE PRINT FOR TOTALITARIAN SCHEMES OF EVERY VARIETY. Plato is conveyed throughout our cultures via Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Plato was a deeply intelligent and well intentioned Greek philosopher. We all know what the road to hell is paved with. Quoting Plato’s treatise on Politics “The Republic”.

    “Education must be thoroughly controlled by the state. We must have thoroughgoing censorship of literature, music, philosophy, and science”.

    “We will tell people lies, so called noble lies, lies that are for the good of the people as and when it turns out to be necessary”.

    “The ideal is to form one unit with all goods in common”

    “All careers are to be controlled completely. The board of philosophers assigned to vocational guidance will determine your ability and will assign you to the job where you best fit the state, regardless of your desires”

    “Men do right only under compulsion. No individual thinks of it as good for him personally”

    “Those who counter the approved narrative will undergo re-education. Those who repeat their offence will be executed”

    For a period exceeding 1000 years, Christianity was a mind stultifying Platonic death cult until it’s Aristotelian influences arrived during the 13th century via occupying Arabs/Persians, translated into Latin by St. Albertus Magnus and incorporated into the Christian theocracy by St. Thomas Aquinas (Thomism), Aquinas himself credited for improving upon Aristotle’s epistemology (theory of knowledge).

    CHRISTIAN DEISTS are Christians (people who rightly believe there are Universal principles of truth and morality, epistemology and ethics respectively) who prioritize physical facts and reasoning above any mystical revelation (Aristotle’s beneficial influence upon Christianity).

    Aristotle’s influence was essentially about prioritizing an appropriate attention to the real world vs the total focus upon an imaginary Utopian Universe in denial of physical reality. Aristotle’s Law of Identity essentially implies physical reality as the objective absolute from which to test the validity of any intellectual concept, including the intellectual concept of morality (the realm of chosen values).

    Renaissance and Enlightenment thinkers (incl America’s founders) were Christian deist who discovered the valid association of the concept of morality with the real physical world (ARISTOTELEAN RATIONAL EGOISM expressed by their Individualist Constitutional Law enacted in 1791).

    THE REVOLUTIONARY IDEA that the law abiding productive Individual as the sovereign unit of value.

    In contrast to monarchists having traditionalist morality associating value with an imagined Utopian Universe ruled by a sovereign that you must obey and sacrifice yourself to.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What was described is the fruits of democracy or a republic. They always start off with high ideals and little by little go broke by borrowing and spending, strip the nation of its morals and freedom through legislative reform and also get hijacked or bought by oligarchs and PC special interests who in less tolerant times would have been deemed an enemy of the state or burnt at the stake or beheaded as heretics and criminals.

    In the end such corrupt economic and political cultures get overthrown and get replaced by dictatorships run by those with other ideals and higher morality than the masses and their corrupt former leaders. There are two basic laws that make civilization possible and without them you have degradation and chaos.

    1. Do not encroach on people or their property.
    2. Do everything you agree to do.

    Ultimately the penalty for breaking those laws can be severe.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Collectivism vs Individualism. Not left vs right. What defines ‘the evil’ and ‘the good’ in a social context.

    We ought be conditioning ourselves away from the tribal left-wing vs right-wing Hegelian dialectic (false alternative) paradigm of tribal Collectivists.

    Individualism promotes self sufficiency, creativity and invention. Creating a sense of pride in ones self and their accomplishments. Creating a community of thought sharing, problem solving and creation, compassion and over all betterment of society. Society is comprised of Individuals, each a real, living, breathing individual human being, with real values, goals, dreams, and loved ones.

    Collectivism creates a society of brainwashed, lazy never do-wells. Sucking the life out of collective like the proverbial leech. All will bend to the lead of the collective group-think and their “deer leeder”, be it right or wrong.

    DEMOCRACY not subverted to supreme Constitutional Law which enacts Individual Rights, IS MERELY RULE OF THE MOB.

    Majority vote applies only to lesser issues, such as the selection of certain personnel, not upon how a govt is to be governed.

    DEMOCRACY is a form of collectivism (where the actual unit of value, the individual, is de-prioritized for the sake of the collective), denying individual rights. The majority can do whatever it wants with no restrictions. The democratic government is all-powerful political evil. Democracy, in the absence of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS ENACTED BY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is a totalitarian manifestation; IT IS NOT A FORM OF FREEDOM (= the absence of physical coercion)!

    Liked by 1 person

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