Chapter 6 —“The Studies That Have Never Been Done ”


“The studies that have never been done” is one of the weakest points in the fortress that the medical establishment has built around vaccine dogma. It highlights the wide gap between the establishment’s overwrought safety claims and the reality: the (meager) scientific evidence which support these claims and the straightforward and crucial research that has not been done to prove them. 

In stark contrast to the (apparently unofficial) message of the medical establishment that the current vaccine schedule has been thoroughly investigated and reviewed and was found to be the best available, the schedule as a whole has never been properly studied for safety or efficacy. The major features of the program were also never investigated, as the IOM 2013 committee attests. 

Although numerous vaccines have been added to the childhood schedule over the past 30 years, no studies have ever explored the ramifications of the growing number of vaccinations an infant receives, the age at which they are administered, the frequency and order in which they are given, their effect on susceptible subpopulations, or other key aspects of the schedule. 

The pre-licensure vaccine approval process does not evaluate the impact a new vaccine may have on the long-term health of the vaccinee. Clinical trials and post-marketing studies target either an individual vaccine, a specific component of a vaccine, or, at most, one or two additional vaccines administered on the same day. 

Studies examining the long-term and cumulative effect of routine vaccinations on the health of the vaccinated have never been done by the medical establishment. Given this lack of supporting science, affirmed by the IOM 2013, anyone claiming that the current vaccine program was tested and found to be the best there is, is being blatantly deceptive. 

Without science-based evidence regarding the health impact of the vaccine program as a whole, health authorities have no real answer to the concerns raised by parents. They can present no solid evidence to refute the hypothesis linking the increase in the number of routine vaccinations to the recent huge rise in the incidence of numerous chronic conditions in industrialized countries. 

Inexplicably, the vaccine establishment, which vehemently denies this link, has chosen not to conduct those studies that could either confirm or refute it. Despite increasing public pressure from parents, advocacy groups, doctors, and politicians, the establishment stands firm and continues to ignore repeated requests to perform VU studies. 

This lack of action becomes even more indefensible considering that a credible VU study showing that children vaccinated according to the recommended schedule are healthier than unvaccinated children–as it should, if the program is indeed safe–would likely be instrumental in alleviating parents’ concerns. 

After many years of inaction, US medical authorities belatedly launched an IOM investigation to examine the issue of the studies that have never been done. The committee’s report enumerates the ostensible reasons why studies evaluating the purported health benefits of the vaccine program cannot be conducted. 

Contradictions, circular claims, unsubstantiated claims, and other baffling assertions abound in the IOM report. 

Its main theme is that VU studies are not feasible for ethical, economic, and technical reasons, ignoring the fact that similar studies utilizing computerized medical data have been repeatedly conducted for at least two decades. 

Browsing through the report’s 237 pages, it becomes evident the committee’s agenda was political, rather than scientific. The committee was tasked with providing the medical establishment with a formal scientific stamp of approval to continue its policy of passivity and inaction with respect to studying the safety of the vaccination program as a whole–and so it did. 

There can be no legitimate reason for the establishment’s steadfast inaction when so many other vaccine studies are continuously published, including many exploring “parental concerns” and “vaccine-related communication between parents and health providers.” 

In light of the establishment’s seemingly inexplicable position on the subject, and considering what we already know about the reality of vaccine safety science from previous chapters, there is only one logical conclusion: 

VU studies are not being done because the outcome is already known. 

The vaccine establishment is well aware that these studies would demonstrate to the public that the overall health of unvaccinated children is superior to that of the vaccinated (especially with respect to chronic medical conditions). 

Findings such as these would imply that vaccines are the main culprit behind the astronomical rise in chronic health conditions in children of the developed world and would likely cause a social and political upheaval of unprecedented proportions, both in the United States and around the globe. 

The IOM 2013 report was intended to justify the establishment’s policy of not investigating the vaccine program as a whole. 

Instead, the report exposed the absence of a reasonable rationale for not carrying out the missing research. 

But more importantly, the report provided formal, institutionally approved evidence for the claim that the effectiveness and safety of the entire vaccination program have never been studied. 

At the end of the day, the medical establishment may continue to successfully avoid conducting VU studies till the end of time. But as long as these studies are not done the claim that the “vaccine program is safe and effective” will have zero scientific validity. 

Additionally, medical science will not have–even after decades of vaccine research–an answer to the most basic question every parent should be asking: “

“Will vaccination make my child healthier or sicker?” 

Ask your doctor: 

Are you familiar with any medical study that compared the overall health of vaccinated children to that of unvaccinated children? • In the absence of studies comparing the overall health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children, what is the scientific evidence for the safety and benefit of the vaccine program? • In the absence of a study comparing the overall health of children who vaccinated according to the official schedule to that of children who received no vaccines, would you still tell parents their children are better off getting all routine vaccinations? If so, on what grounds?”

— Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth by Anonymous




2 thoughts on “Chapter 6 —“The Studies That Have Never Been Done ”

  1. Hundreds of studies and even governmental and regulatory agencies own data have already revealed that the COnVID “vaccines” are #Bioweapons and still the politicians can’t see, pharmakia can’t hear and the medical establishment can’t admit.

    The agenda is democide, genocide, murder.

    Liked by 2 people

    • And not one has been charged or held the least bit accountable. The jabs, the carbon tax, the liberal young global leaders are all a concerted effort to gut western economies.

      Liked by 2 people

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