Chapter 7 —Unsubstantiated Vaccine  Guidelines 


 With the addition of numerous vaccines to the routine childhood program in recent decades, simultaneous administration of multiple vaccines has become increasingly common. Nowadays, two or more vaccines are administered at most well-baby visits, and each vaccine contains a number of potent chemical and biological substances, some of which are known to be toxic or carcinogenic. 

Although the CDC declares that vaccine combinations have been tested as part of the process of approving a new vaccine, in practice, most of them have not. 

Scientific research on the safety of simultaneous administration of multiple vaccines combinations is quite limited. An Israeli study found that the administration of two vaccines at the same time, as recommended by the Israeli Ministry of Health, increased the amount of side effects by 50%, yet this study was ignored by health agencies in Israel, the United States, and elsewhere

Nevertheless, the authorities continue to maintain, without adequate scientific proof, that administering multiple vaccines simultaneously poses no additional risk because “an infant’s immune system can handle up to 10,000 vaccines at one time.” 

In addition, they recommend vaccination of infants with mild illness,though the scientific evidence as to the safety of this practice is also virtually nonexistent. 

Ask your doctor: • Do you know of any studies that have examined the safety of the simultaneous administration of 9 vaccine injections against 13 different diseases to a 15-month old infant? • Are you familiar with any studies that have shown that spacing out vaccines does not reduce the number and severity of side effects? • Do you believe that administering 10,000 vaccines in one day to an infant is safe? If you do, can you provide studies that have demonstrated the safety of this procedure? • Do you know of any studies that examined the safety of the recommendation to vaccinate infants with mild illness? If not, what is the scientific evidence on”

— Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth by Anonymous

Published by Children’s Health Defence 

1200 References 

Available for $10.49 on Kindle 

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