Terry Burton, Frequent Contributor , Responds To My Article Re: Supreme Court Of Canada To Hear Charter Appeal Of Newfoundland Supreme Court Decision.

Thanks for posting this article, it gives me a glimmer of hope, no matter how minute, that the SCOC will finally be tasked with hearing about the abuse, that millions of Canadians were FORCED to undergo, as a result of governmental, corporate and institutional overreach.

I have a dream, to use Martin Luther King jr.  that, in the not too distant future, Canadian courts
will rise up and live out the true meaning of their sworn duty and obligations:

That is, a recognition by Canada’s courts that they hold these duties and sworn obligations to be self-evident, that all citizens are created equal and entitled to the protections guaranteed to them under the Canadian Constitution.

I have a dream that Canadian courts will interpret the law without showing and embracing political bias, will hear cases on a timely basis, will refuse to use legal technicalities to avoid ruling on an obvious societal wrong, will be the defenders of rights and freedoms as guaranteed under Canada’s Constitution, and will serve as an example to Canada and the world of a judiciary who believes in and practices the principles of the rule-of-law.

I have a dream where every community, within Canada, and its peoples live with the assurance that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land; where no government, no matter their political stripe, can run roughshod over those guaranteed Constitutional rights and freedoms; where rational, objective thought, science independent of politics and self-interest, and judiciary independence is paramount when deciding legal matters of National as well as individual importance.

I have a dream where the crooked and fear based strategies and tactics of politicians, corporate leaders, the MSM and Social Media, the entertainment industry and institutions are recognized, evaluated and discounted, where need be, by the Canadian courts, such that confidence in the court’s independence and commitment to the rule-of-law is unwavering.

I have a dream where the crookedness of the System will be seen and excised, by the courts, and where confidence in the Legal System is earned and restored.

I have a dream where the Canadian courts return to their primary, some say only function, of ensuring the following five (5) Principles are observed and integral to ALL court proceedings, undertakings and decisions:

1. Judicial Independence,
2. Integrity of the highest order,
3. Diligence—that is the use of great care and persistence in the performance of their duties and obligations,
4. Equality—that is, the law is applied equally to all people, no matter their role and status in society, and
5. Impartiality (that is fair-mindedness)— that is, ALL decisions must be based and seen to be based on a criteria that is seen to be objective. 

More specifically, decisions must not be seen as bias, prejudicial in nature, or advantaging one person over another for inappropriate and unacceptable reasons.

I have a dream where a Canadian court’s decision is always based on the principles of the Law and one can have total confidence that ALL, no matter their status, political connections, race, religion, ethnicity, place of origin, creed, colour, sex/gender, sexual preference, welfare, disability, age, family status, veteran status, genetic information, and pregnancy status receive equal and fair-minded justice from the respective court!!!

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