People Tell Me : ‘People Are Becoming More Enlightened About Governments Abuse Of Authority, Covid Propaganda Etc —‘ Well, Ontario By Elections Say Otherwise !!

Two recent by elections in Ontario  sure don’t show that people are getting any wiser.  Given the undemocratic measures against Dr. Byram Bridle at the University of Guelph and the treatment of Dr. Jordan Peterson at the Ontario College Of Physicians and Surgeons one would think that would resonate with voters . That their establishment is anything but fair and democratic.

People have short memories it seems in our most populous Province . Just a few years ago the Nursing Home fiasco occurred whereby the Armed Forces had to be called in to help. And their reports on the conditions in these homes was atrocious. This all under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government. And this is the Government that keeps spending beyond its means. Net per capita debt according to Royal Bank of Canada figures had each Ontarian owing $26,000 in Provincial Debt in 2023/24, second highest in the country. 

In these by elections there was a turn out of 30% in one and 27% in the other —Lambton-Kent -Middlesex and Kent ridings respectively. 

The ruling Party responsible for continuing  this debt spiral and overseeing the nursing homes debacle and preaching the lie,  like other Governments , of Safe and Effective , are rewarded by winning both ridings —-and comfortably over their nearest rival  —56% to 22% in one and 47% to 38% in the other.

It demonstrates again , if in fact we needed any reminder , that democracy is very fragile and with Government propaganda and a pliant press , supported by Big Pharma and Big Tech the system is stacked against regular folk and a real representative and responsible democracy.

8 thoughts on “People Tell Me : ‘People Are Becoming More Enlightened About Governments Abuse Of Authority, Covid Propaganda Etc —‘ Well, Ontario By Elections Say Otherwise !!

  1. Governments and institutions everywhere have been infiltrated and penetrated by a Professional Marxist mafia created in the WEF. Controlling from the top down and terrorising all from the top down.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Become more aware of our vulnerability to TOTALITARIAN DEATH CULTS. Plato’s dual reality philosophy is the blue print for all modern day totalitarianism. Plato is conveyed into our cultures via Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). Aristotle is/was the counter and the success of Western civilization is premised upon Aristotelian principles, not Platonic (Judaeo-Christian) ones.

    Religious Conservatives are powerless against the group-think whim worshipping nihilists of our day because they too are reliant upon the existence of an imaginary Utopian Universe to distinguish right from wrong (values from disvalues).

    Morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die (as Jesus did) for the sake of all others, but to enjoy yourself and live in this real world. Aristotelian rational egoism in a single line (in contrast to Christian and other forms of altruism).

    Values, whether material or spiritual ones, exist in this real physical world only and are accomplished by choosing to act upon causes that have desired effects.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Folks,

    I believe a great number of people mistakenly believe that all electors are mostly rational, that, most electors make their decisions based on the facts, are curious and involved in political matters, are civic minded and genuinely concerned about their fellow citizens’ welfare, and are evaluating, rational, critical thinkers. Sadly, a substantial number are not.

    Consequently, when electors are provided rational thoughts, research, facts, and exhaustive examples of where things are going off the rails—one should not be surprised nor aghast when these electors ignore such rational thoughts. Sadly, the going off the rails doesn’t seem to matter to a substantial number of electors, Why?

    Well, the evidence seems to suggest that “a great number” of electors make their decisions based on emotionality and ignore the facts. One can, if they are curious, see this everywhere, for example:

    1. In politics, it seems, too many electors vote not for policy and good governance but because the candidate (he/she) seems nice, he/she is good looking, male/female, he/she had nice parents, Trudeau has nice hair, he/she is well educated, he/she is gay, he/she is a BIPOC, he/she is Christian/Muslim/ Buddhist/Jewish,…………., etc.—this isn’t rational;

    2. In education, too many “educators”now ignore meritocracy and accept people into engineering, medicine, law, sciences, being a airline pilot, etc. based on the emotional tenets of affirmative action—this isn’t rational, if Canadians are truly looking for the greatest level of competence in the profession, and, make no mistake, Canadians should be;

    3. In sport competitions too many organizations are now ignoring the advantages males have over females, and depriving females of sports awards, scholarships, and employment opportunities, based on the fact that a male declares himself a woman—this isn’t rational;

    4. In the prison system too many “wardens and administrators” are now supporting housing males with females, based on the fact that a male declares himself a woman—this isn’t rational;

    5. In Canada, it appears, Canadians now have a federal cabinet determined by one’s sex—not competence, meritocracy or applicable experience—this isn’t rational, if Canadians are truly looking for the greatest level of competence in the cabinet;

    6. Canada just injected approximately 80% of Canadians with Experimental mRNA injections that weren’t properly tested; Canadians haven’t the faintest idea of the negative long term fallout, ignore the myriad of deaths and injuries these injections cause, and refuse to acknowledge the mountains of evidence that show these injections are a disaster in the making—this isn’t rational;

    7. Canadians have a health/education/housing/infrastructure/immigration/Cost-of-Living crisis developing, such is too often ignored, discounted, and, too often, denied by too many in leadership roles—this isn’t rational;

    8. Canada has approximately 8000 plus Canadians dying from drug overdoses every year. This is a major crisis and such is being ignored, discounted, and, too often, denied by too many in leadership roles—this isn’t rational;

    9. Canadians have ceded and seeded its K-12 and University System with too many teachers and professors who are avowed marxists that indoctrinate and propagandize vulnerable, malleable student youth. Canadians, ironically, are using their tax dollars to destroy their way of life,—this isn’t rational;

    The point, one can accurately conclude that, based on the present trajectory of emotionality being the primary influencer, the preponderance number of peoples of Canada will not “rationalize” their way out of this developing crisis. If a substantial number of people make irrational decisions, and obviously they do, one cannot get them to change by expecting them to be rational. 

    One, sadly, need only look at a number of family members, and prior friends, to establish their irrationality regarding the Covid-19 injection. They, unfortunately, allowed fear, and economic circumstances, as the justification to accept an injection that could literally kill them, cause severe injury, maim them for the rest of their lives, or hasten their death— —this isn’t rational.

    One could list many more but this should suffice to make the point of irrationality.

    As many of you are aware, I have argued for decades that a society/civilization will erode and eventually fail/implode, if it doesn’t have the essential common beliefs, values, ethics, morals and principles (BVEMPs) to “glue” it together. 

    People are, in the main, driven by customs, religion, values, culture, beliefs, and their concept of morality. Without these essential “BVEMPs glues” there will be minimal, if any, beneficial civic initiatives that bind them together for the common good.

    Too many Canadians are presently living in a delusion, oblivious to the fact that western society is being manipulated and controlled by a relatively small percentage of the population, within and outside the respective country. 

    This has occurred because too many citizens are inward thinking, will not embrace their civic responsibility, have eagerly given their rights and freedoms to the state, are only too willing to kick the corroded, especially the massive and growing out-of-control debt can down the road to their most “valued” possession, that is, their kids. 

    Finally, Western Civilization, certainly Canada, is declining at a rapid rate and many allege and are convinced that the first Trudeau, with his multiculturalism idealism and penchant for authoritarianism, and the present Trudeau, with his incompetence, virtue signalling, ignorance and authoritarianism, are two (2) of the major catalysts in this decline. 

    One can and should be disappointed (not surprised), and flabbergasted by too many electors‘ irrationality that shows and grows itself every day, by those who are supposedly well-educated and “principled.” 

    Food for thought.

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  4. I am just happy to see there are many following this blog that are fully awake and alert. We all may be able to make a difference in future outcomes if we can shock more sheep into pulling their heads out of their arses.

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