Rex Murphy , Canada’s Great Wit , Passes .

When a voter was asked many years ago why they did not vote for Rex in his losing attempt for a Party nomination in his native Newfoundland,  the answer to a local reporter was: I would vote for Rex if understood those big words. 

But later Canada understood him as an insightful , eloquent spokesman in his various media capacities. The CBC cross country check up program gave him the opportunity to converse with Canadians of every background and from every region. And I think Rex enjoyed that interaction. And likely Canada got to appreciate his talents more in such roles rather than be trapped with a Political Party Affiliation. Additionally, his later newspaper columns were keenly anticipated , enjoyed and appreciated by Canadians everywhere. 

Rex attended  Memorial University during my time there and we enjoyed English Literature both of us students in Dr. Pitt’s  Romantic Poets course . And I served on the Students Council when he was the President.

We have lost a great scribe , an independent thinker, both in short supply in today’s world.

14 thoughts on “Rex Murphy , Canada’s Great Wit , Passes .

  1. Señor Peckford,

    Upon hearing of Rex’s death today I was immediately struck with the thought that we just lost a unique, intelligent, principled, one-of-a-kind, decent individual.

    Rex was a well known and very respected individual in Canada and abroad , a person who was genuinely interested in the truth and possessed a tremendous command of the English language—this ability and talent served his witticism and, when needed, acerbic, irreverent sense of humour exceptionally well, Rex didn’t suffer fools gladly!!!

    Rex made his Country, and certainly his birth province of Newfoundland and Labrador, very proud.

    Rex has now moved along to the other dimension and by this time has already joined the great writers’ club of those gone before.

    I suspect Rex is regaling his heavenly host with his penchant for storytelling and most likely apologizing for his “tenure” at CBC—I’m certain Rex would see the humour in this postulation and would grin in his devious manner, as only Rex could do, at this comment.

    I bid you a fond farewell Mr. Murphy, we have all been blessed and made richer by your presence and your willingness to generously share your life with us!!

    Good “boy”, Adieu, Adios and muchas gracias!!

    Liked by 8 people

  2. He was a rare and unique individual who believed what he said and said what he believed. For years while living in western Canada his Cross Canada Checkup was one of only two CBC programs I rarely missed. 

    Rest in peace Rex. You did your part and you will be missed.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Rex missed out on the downfall of the the western world. You all may come to envy him. The fall of nations and empires is never a pleasant event and it often starts out at a glacial pace over decades and then at a certain point it becomes irreversible and moves faster and faster and ends in ruin. Remember Rex but see to your own survival. The barbarians are in control.

    Liked by 5 people

    • An orchestrated destruction of the Western ways. Orchestrated by the satin worshippers. Churches burned down, no accountability. Parishioners locked down and unable to attend services and or fined for attending against the wishes of the evil doers. Ministers being jailed over mandate breeches. It is really too obvious to one with their eyes wide open.

      Evil is present and afoot!!!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I was shocked and saddened by this news. I was not aware of his cancer diagnosis. I did notice a post he made just two days prior to his passing, which is odd. Did the cancer occur suddenly? Was he ‘vaccinated’? Cannot help but wonder.

    RIP, Rex Murphy. You will be missed.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Such a loss for the journalistic community and all Canadians! 😦 It was so fitting that his final posting in the NP was one to criticize the failure of Justin Trudeau’s handling of the October 7th massacre and its aftermath of insane protests “for it” throughout Canada and the free world 😦 A very sad state of affairs we are all experiencing 😦 I’m sure he would have preferred to stick around to witness the clean up, which God willing, will occur in short order!

    Liked by 4 people

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