Did You Hear Hypocrite Trudeau Saying  Israel Must Obey The UN ??!!

This is the man who oversaw the unconstitutional invoking of the Emergency Act! 

Who oversaw innocent Canadians  having their bank accounts frozen by compliant so called independent Banks!

This is the man who has broken the law of Canada five times !!

That this is the man who watched people lose their jobs , have surgeries and specialist appointments delayed or cancelled ; who watched while experimental vaccines were encouraged and people coerced to take them ——Vaccines whose adverse event record over  three years was more than all vaccine adverse events over thirty years previous. 

And this is the UN that had its employees supporting the Hamas terrorists. 

A UN that has its Human Rights Agency dominated by human rights abusers and whose sole aim in life is to issue negative resolutions against Israeli. 

It is Trudeau and the UN that stand guilty for their illegal , unethical, unconstitutional actions!!!

4 thoughts on “Did You Hear Hypocrite Trudeau Saying  Israel Must Obey The UN ??!!

  1. Ah yes, the inane support for Islamic fundamentalism by the woke ‘progressive’ left who’s ideology is the direct antithesis of this scourge on humanity. Where the lunatic fringe of the left unites, under the shared love of Jew hatred, with the ultra right Islamists! Let’s see how that works out long term.

    Fortunately, no rational individual would take seriously any opinion or directive from Trudeau or the UN, both having been exposed as hypocrites and supporters of terrorists multiple times. And given Trudeau’s international reputation generally as a tyrannical buffoon and a good example of what a bad leader looks like, this request by him will, as it should, serve to catalyze a mass yawning amongst Israeli politicians and other world leaders. Or, even more likely, serve as a directive to do the exact opposite!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nailed it!!! The perpetrators of the plandemic, the fear porn, the coercion and ” get vaccinated ” bullshit right out of the mouth of Turdeau himself. They’re all in it up to their eyeballs, UN, WHO, NWO, Turdeau and the 338 go along to save their asses. So they think. Pawns in a game where they will be disposed of like last supper leftovers.

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